you know, even as a kid i always went for the wrong women. i think that's my problem. when my mother took me to see snow white, everyone fell in love with snow white. i immediately fell for the wicked queen. lotta beautiful women. it was fun to flirt. i'll have the usual trouble with annie in bed tonight. whatta i need this? if only i didn't feel guilty asking annie to move out. it'd probably wreck her. but i should be honest. well, where-wherever you wanna meet, i don't care. i'll-i'll drive in. i rented a car i'm driving . that . whatta you mean? what-why is that such a miracle? i'm driving myself -- after that it got pretty late. and we both hadda go, but it was great seeing annie again, right? i realized what a terrific person she was and-and how much fun it was just knowing her and i-i thought of that old joke, you know, this- this-this guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, "doc, uh, my brother's crazy. he thinks he's a chicken." and, uh, the doctor says, "well, why don't you turn him in?" and the guy says, "i would, but i need the eggs." well, i guess that's pretty much how how i feet about relationships. you know, they're totally irrational and crazy and absurd and . but, uh, i guess we keep goin' through it because, uh, most of us need the eggs.