we saw the fellini film last tuesday. it is not one of his best. it lacks a cohesive structure. you know, you get the feeling that he's not absolutely sure what it is he wants to say. 'course, i've always felt he was essentially a-a technical film maker. granted, la strada was a great film. great in its use of negative energy more than anything else. but that simple cohesive core . you know, it must need to have had its leading from one thought to another. you know what i'm talking about? like all that juliet of the spirits or satyricon, i found it incredibly . indulgent. you know, he really is. he's one of the most indulgent film makers. he really is- -without getting . well, let's put it this way . - it's like samuel beckett, you know- i admire the technique but he doesn't . he doesn't hit me on a gut level. and then, the most important thing of all is a comedian's vision. gal gun-shy is what it is. it's a narrow view. it's the influence of television. yeah, now marshall mcluhan deals with it in terms of it being a-a high, uh, high intensity, you understand? a hot medium . as opposed to a . as opposed to a print . wait a minute, why can't i give my opinion? it's a free country! wait a minute! really? really? i happen to teach a class at columbia called "tv media and culture"! so i think that my insights into mr. mcluhan-well, have a great deal of validity. yes. oh.