where can i put these? what a fucking day! we only just got a sitter. i don't know her from fucking adam. she could be a serial killer. i'm going to have to call every ten minutes. you have to let me give out the number. it's alright, isn't it? i'm not. so nice. well. oh. i have a four-thirty call. am. so we may have to leave early. what? he's allergic. to dander. otis. didn't i say? they can tell from the eyelashes, you know? he's got eyelashes yay long. they must be a foot long. the older you are when you have a baby, the more likely this stuff is to crop up. so they tell me. not soon enough, of course. how are you, sal? you look fantastic. it changes your life, you know. a baby. it puts everything in perspective, doesn't it. doesn't it, mac? you can't be the center of your own world, anymore. you think so!? i've been working out a lot since the baby. and i've been working. and that takes it's toll, you know. don't you miss it? really. really? with a sitter. we have a sensational sitter. jonah's really comfortable with her. you know, a second mom sort of. like part of the family. amazing with kids. so this sitter can always reach me. i'm still not used to leaving him. dander. he's allergic. otis. pictures. they're always in my tote. i left my tote in the damn trailer. but! he's mac all over again. imagine mac shrunk to two-and-a-half feet. the fact is they probably didn't even need me for this birth. i can't think how you gave it all up, soph. oh my god, the dog! it sounds hysterical, but otis just rubbed up against me and i'd kind of like to change into something of yours. you know it could be disaster. he's so allergic. it's terrifying. i'll change back before we leave. i'm fine. i'm fine. well, i'm a little stressed. and i've been taking pills to get my weight down since the baby. and the doctor said they might make me a little jumpy. i've got a ghastly headache, actually. i'd love a xanex. sally, please don't tell sophia that i'm not breast feeding. you know sophia. she's so damned judgemental. and she's so damned. perfect. and so fucking. serene. just fucking don't tell her. because you know mac thinks she's god. and i can feel him comparing. just don't fucking tell her. my god, your wardrobe is incredible. it took me forever to decide. oh, and i found dr. x, thank you. you saved my life. that's revolting, astrid. this water is great! has anyone seen mac? i'm so good. mac? oh there you are. what are you doing, honey? no more work. don't you feel breezy. you can cut around it, whatever it is. you always do. it's always not this time. if you can do it around me, you can do it around anyone. how nice for everybody. come swimming. the water's glorious. you'll fix it. you'll come up with one of your brilliant ideas. things always look much worse in the morning. you're coming swimming in the pool, and in a few minutes you won't even remember what it's about. you won't care who's in your damn movie. i. wait, what are you talking about? oh my god. honey??? honey? honey? honey? i've lost my husband and my beeper. have either of you seen either of them? oh my god, the sitter.