i'm the hired help. i never put myself in harm's way. no, not anymore. happy anniversary, scout. happy anniversary. you're a good match, you two. can you help me with this stuff? what a nose. you missed your calling. sally? directing suits you. it must be nice having so many strangers kiss your ass all of a sudden. just did. jealous? oh, very jealous. i saw lucy when i was in london, she seems okay. it's hard to tell with her. in cheyene walk? lucy's going to have a meltdown. oh, i'm so sorry. yeah, but i hear she gives a mean blow job. when the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king what he knows. what? cycle. escape hatch. you're not a man, joe. you're a boy. i love you, joe therrian. harry, hi, it's gina! gina. is everything alright? oh my god. when? he's not here. they're out looking for otis. the dog, harry. i love you so much. lucy's a fighter, she'll make it. whether she wants to or not. harry. i'm so sorry. i will. yes i will. take care, harry. bye. let's go upstairs, okay? let's go upstairs. harry called. lucy overdosed. she's in icu. she left a note. you need to call your dad. i've booked you a flight and packed you a bag. you just need to get into a car and go. i love her too, joe. he's gonna miss his flight. is he not going? i booked a flight. i told his father he'd be on that flight. jesus, sally. i'm not the enemy. it's not a contest. take good care of it.