you have to sign your taxes anyway. happy anniversary, buddy! six months ago, who would have thunk it? don't fuck up again. it's got a ripple effect. sally suffers, we all suffer. we closed. joe officially owns no. 4, cheyenne walk, chelsea, london, england. no small doing. i suppose. sally, that's quite a gift. i'm not sure it's in your best interest. the realtor'll be here tomorrow in the morning. the house had to go on the market to insure the loan on the london flat. what you earn has to double in order to cover expenses in london, it's an outrageously expensive city. you only made half your quote this year. i worry because you don't. it's my job. i'm feeling guilty. i would've liked it if you waited until the two of you were on more solid ground. whatever you say. listen, i love you. not millions. they're paying him scale. there's still time to undo this. did you invite them? that was the plan. and you're thrilled to have them. did you tell joe to behave? did he promise? before i forget. put it on the bookshelf. just do what i say, alright? beats a lawsuit. you, i know. cal, my wife judy. congratulations on the academy award. great performance. really warranted. sally always manages to get robbed. go! it's only just started. great. the husband's on the other fucking team. hey! would you? i don't think so. i'm ready. come on, folks. time. hey! time. judy! time you guys. hey!! well it's fucking time. walk. cripple. limp. ankle. second syllable. second syllable. move on to the fucking second syllable. the clock is ticking! what was it? what the fuck was it? ryan's novel? wanna dive for a baton? he's okay, clair. you wanna give him a little room? give him a minute, clair. anytime, sport. probably not. forget it, judy. you're crazy baby. i love you. do you want me to save you? do you want me to save you? oh yeah. i'm gonna save you. let me heal you, baby. oh yeah. i call that a perfect day. damn near. and a damn near perfect drug. just every once in a blue moon, you know. hm. do you like fucking out of doors? they didn't sign their goddamn tax returns!