go where? america, could you just. thank you, america! oh, well, we'll just have to try again. sound like a plan? happy anniversary. it's yours. i love you. most beautiful woman in the world. accept a compliment. what did you get me? kiss my eyes. kiss the back of my knees. not. you didn't kiss anyone else's knees, did you? no. i missed that. we're great. for good. don't get it. what? okay. i'm sorry, look, i meant to tell you. it was the only chance i had to meet her. she goes on location tomorrow. sally, i'm sorry. look, i can't keep her on hold. you want me to uninvite her? skye! i'm so glad you're able to make it. it's our sixth, actually. you read the book again? well, no, the ending to chapter six. it's just that it's not filmic. we tried it in an earlier draft, but, it just wasn't filmic. well, sure, we can absolutely look at that again. if you're coming from laurel, you want to take sunset west, we're just past will rogers state park. three blocks west of that, you want to hang right. it's about three quarters of a mile up a big white thing on the left. oh? i don't think tonight. i'm sure they're well behaved. all our friends have dogs, and they always want to bring them. we'd be outnumbered, you see? so we sort of put a ban on it. sorry. i'm looking forward to meeting you, too. and skye, i'm thrilled that you're willing to take this leap with me. eternally grateful, really. i can't imagine anyone else playing genna. who the fuck can be here at this time? it's not even seven! i'll say as little as possible. you can never be too early or too thin. well, not me, to be honest. thanks, i'll take that. champagne? otis! no barking! i love gifts. what did you guys get us? oh. well. good. the novel. no, skye davidson is playing the lead. yes, she is. it's a novel. yes. no. yes i did. don't i find what? not long. joking. do i put you off? and i you. ah. mmm hmmm. jack. did you compose that yourself? had a little help? it has your ring. i'll take them. who'd like to go and find otis? he's the best dog in the world. they're both coming tonight. not my idea. it's jerry's worst idea. the neighbors from hell. the kind that lay in wait. i'd rather move actually. wouldn't i? wouldn't i? okay. last one to find otis is a smelly old bum. well, hello you two. these are the people who live next door. say hello. and close the door, jack. because if we leave it open, otis will run out and you know what will happen then? he'll run next door into their backyard and he'll bark and bark and bark and eat their pitbull for his dinner. is it a pitbull? oh whatever. we don't want that to happen, do we? well, jack and i are very relieved. no, he's absolutely right. you're absolutely right, ryan. dog talk must be banned. canine conversations are completely discouraged. it's really good of you to join us. can i get you a drink? right away. are you sure you wouldn't like something soft, ryan? ah there's our snookums now. it's taken care of. she rarely cops to it. otis is home. fuck you. anymore. she's such pure evil. that for us? can i open it? please? i love you, gina taylor. panes! how are you? has she called? skye! how do you do, skye? yeah, well, it's just us and a few hundred of our closest friends. i'm so happy you like it. i'm so relieved you said yes, and i'm really, um, what, thrilled, yes actually, to finally meet you. i think you're my first goddess. i'm not so sure. look again in three months. ow! gina, you obviously need to get fucked. when does he graduate high school? shit, i forgot to call her back. she's off on a trip somewhere. oh god, my grandad's flat in london's been sold. i should have damn well bought it. well, we can't afford it. the movie's going to eat up a year of my life and i'm getting paid next to nothing. do you know how much skye davidson's getting? four million. you really need to be fucked. you're an interior decorator, right? in fits and starts -- and then, later, of course, she had to accommodate me. so things shifted a little bit then, became more eclectic. and it keeps changing. yeah, we're in a constant state of flux. i see you've moved up from the soft stuff. uh-huh. oh. no you're not. hm. very well put. what? elitism? and you know, he really does not. and your phone calls are nasty and abusive. and i've come this close to suing you for harassment. and you're only here because we're supposed to be sucking up to you. oh shit. i'm sorry. oh shit. i'm sorry. i'm a total fucking maniac. delete all that, okay? i spoke for myself, this needn't rub off on my wife. oh shit. i get pissy sometimes. much worse than otis. otis doesn't bite. it's just, i really love my dog and he doesn't really bark a lot. we live in a canyon. we hear dogs barking at night, too. and it's not otis. easy tiger. scout's honor. we're way past inappropriate. i need to leave you now. sally!!!! can we. one at a time? hold it down, and one at a time. you're last, cal. alright. good. fine, i vote for that. who's keeping time? two minutes. you darling. come on, panes. jer. over here. over here. panes is not on your team anymore. it's an unfair advantage. okay, knock it off. truce. i'm not fucking angry, for god's sake. i hate the idea of some one else living in it. sally's never even seen it. i thought we'd raise our kids there. have i ever told you how lucy and i nearly squashed each other getting into the dumb waiter. the dumb waiter was our. escape hatch. and dad was having a go about the garden. something was misplanted. whatever! you know how he gets. well, he went absolutely bonkers. lucy and i were frantically trying to scramble into the dumb waiter and i didn't fit any more. it was almost fatal. and that, my dear friends, is the day. so? dolphins. great. this is an amazing present. what a sweetheart you are. i think we should all take it tonight. everyone's staying, stays. no driving. that's the rule. i love you sally-mae. you're going to have a fabulous time. sophia's going to do it, panes is going to do it, trust me. what? oh yeah, the camera man? they gave me a list. not particularly. weird, isn't it? god i'm rally up. do you feel anything yet, mac? thanks, mac. and thanks for being so supportive about all this. i really love you, you know. god, i really need to jump about a bit. how's your film going? and how's the diva doing? i meant sally. oh. you're serious. oh don't. everyone says that. isn't skye amazing? she's a constant surprise. yeah, i know. but she's only twenty seven and. the wisdom. she's an old soul. she knew that shostakovich thing. did you notice? yeah, god she really does have great tits, great tits. i can't wait to work with her. with great tits. i'm going to ask her if i can touch them. i saw him wandering over there, i think. how're you feeling, clair? no, what? oh, she's really enjoying it. i think. is mac okay? who, sally? i still think she sails above the rest. i mean not like her early films. but those were all such great directors. what? leo? leo? it was out to jude law. jude passed. october-ish. leo. leo's twenty-eight, cal. scratch the two, write in a four. five years ago, i was at the party, remember? are you okay? let's go for a walk. oh? it's easy. you just put one foot in front of the other. that's a good girl. here, drink this. drink lots of water. hold on to this. take deep breaths. nice and slow. would you like a lolly? you're never too old for a lolly. i'm having one. lemon or raspberry? lemon it is. i think he's really angry with me too. i'm sorry. that's a lot of those. a lot of cakes. and he doesn't smoke? how long have you been married? you must have been a baby. come here. i like you. sorry? yeah, it was. for a writer nothing's sacred. no, nothing at all. oh for fuck's sake. nobody uses that gate. stop being such a bitch, sal. it was a mistake. this isn't a plot to do in otis. listen to yourself. don't worry, it's alright. we'll find him. what's wrong with you? well he can't have gone far. he'll find his way back. sally, calm down. we're not going to find him any quicker by you being hysterical. or shitty!! otis!! otis!!!! this is a nightmare. we should have kept him upstairs. well someone clearly let him out before monica opened the gate. jesus, sally. you are a medical miracle. the only person who's ever taken ecstacy and become angrier. rave parties?! that's so typical - you would think it was called rage. perfect! sally, so i took a few pills. i went out dancing. i tried to forget how upset i was about splitting up with you. i haven't lied to you. i told you about the people i've slept with. i just didn't mention the few occasions i took drugs because you're so fucking judgmental i knew i'd never hear the end of it, and you have so little faith and so little trust in me. sally, we're back, i love you. trust that. please let's not do this. otis! love? that hasn't the first fucking thing to do with love. it's whether we can live together. like this! all the time. do i want anyone else? no. do i want to be with you for the rest of my natural life? i'm trying. just stop right there, sally. we've been through this. sally, first of all, you're talking bullshit. and second. that is not true. every novel i've had published in every language i've dedicated to lucy. it's a novel. who the fuck do you think you are? the part of genna is not just about you. it's about every woman i've ever loved in my entire life. including my mother. the character is also clearly in her early twenties, sally. hello? last birthday was? sally, i have never considered you for this part because you are too old to play it. and you are out of touch with reality if you think differently. well there you go. i let you off the hook. you're one goddamn lucky actress. okay. if we could've, by some miracle, stripped ten years off your face, still couldn't have got the thing made. because i don't mean anything as a director, and your name doesn't mean fuck all anymore. and the people that can hire you are afraid to, because they think you're phoning it in. that you don't have. oh christ, sally. your director and your co-star of your current movie. don't dish if you can't take it, sally. sally, for christ's sake. this is insanity. sally. don't push me away. don't do this. don't do this! you changed your mind. what?! you aborted our child?! you're not ready. i wasn't part of that picture at all, was i? i wasn't part of that decision. did i occur to you at all? it's a fucking farce. it's a fucking farce. how long did you think you could keep it going. you're amazing. do you have any idea what you've done to us? i'll never forgive you. i have no idea who you are. what is it? the suspense is killing me. and? but she's alright. stupid tart. fuck you. leave us alone right now. alright, good. thanks for your trouble. so will you leave sally and me alone right now? i don't want you to go. i can't got tonight. i don't want to be on a plane on my own tonight. i don't want to go tonight. stupid tart. hey, dad. sure. can i come in? no. pretty much a disaster, tonight, wasn't it? life gets messy. ugly messy. but i don't understand you. and i don't think i ever understood lucy. i don't understand throwing it away. how do you throw all that away? any of it. i want it all. you guys want guarantees? i want the possibilities. and all kinds of crap comes with that. a lot of bad shit. and i think that's okay with me because, because of the rest of the stuff. all the good shit. all the surprises. it's a fucking miracle when you come down to it. we'd have had amazing children, you and me. we'd have had a ride. you'd have surprised yourself. i'll never love anybody else, you know. that's under lock and key. happy anniversary. i know. i know. it's for the baby's crib. oh, sally mae. will you make love with me?