i know we're early, we're so early. sorry. we have a gift? lovely. the house looks beautiful, are those hydrangeas? nothing that can't be exchanged. congratulations on the deal. how exciting. is sally doing sally? i mean it's sally. the character that's based on sally. the character that's based on sally in the book. oh my god, i'm a huge skye davidson fan. she's very beautiful. but i am right, yes? she's based on sally. still. well. let's drop it. i'm not much of a reader, but i do love autobiographies, even biographies sometimes. mostly non-fiction. did you read the new styron? it's very good. i understand you won the booker prize. is your script much like the novel? jerry says it's very good. but you know, you read the novel, and then you see the movie - and most of the time you say, "what's this?" you know? i sometimes think we're better off not reading the novel at all. because, we come with expectations. and of course, we know where we're going. don't you find? i don't know why joe, we've known each other how long. don't be silly. yes i know. i started to say. i started to say joe that -- you manage to throw me off balance. i adore you. but i'm always afraid i'll say something stupid. and so i always manage to, do you see? like the book. script thing, do you see? nice to meet you. no, i don't think so. the infamous dog? ours. hi. yup. good idea. funny. ya vhol. what are you, a fucking nazi? ryan's novel, jerry. okay, i'm about to throw five colored batons in the water. then i'm going to count to three, and then you may start diving. i'm playing too. the red one is ten extra points. ready? one, two, three, go!! there's a test, you know. are you my big brave boy? are you my brave hero? are you my big hard hero? oh yeah. oh yeah? oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus. a perfect night. hm. we should do it again. hm. you think we should ask them for their landscaper? not as a rule.