you lose this? the gate was open. she already has. clair is a hovering mother. it's an object lesson in grace. wow! look who's here before me! my leading man is on time for once. fuck you. oh man, you are so fucking funny in the kitchen scene. nothing you do is accidental. what? down by law. go. it was fifteen seconds. are you always this much fun? thirty seconds. time. time! you got your dp? and you got skye davidson. pretty big leagues for a first timer. do you even like movies? kind of. hey, look - john seale, oliver stapelton, darius khonji - they're friends. and great dp's i could give them a call for you. hey, i'm happy for you, buddy. anything i can do. well, you know. good days, bad days. i meant sally. no. no. let me tell you something. directing's the best preparation possible for fatherhood. the sleep depravation alone. no, it's not. fuck fuck fuck fuck. jesus christ. i'm in mourning. not this time. you don't have any clothes on. or i won't. i can't help her. i'm out of my depth. i don't know how to make her funny. what what's about? man, i must really be stoned. thanks, buddy. i'm fine, babe. hey. thanks, buddy. yeah, thanks pal. i'm fine, babe. i'm gonna take a little walk. i need a minute. let's forget it. my life didn't pass in front of my eyes. so, it probably wasn't that close. so, you've got lifeguard papers, or what? i'll be fine. really babe. give me a minute. you're okay. buck up. come on, be a man. it could happen to anybody. if you don't stop, i'm going to punch your face in. oh shit. i can't fucking do anything right. come on, come on. oh thank you god for giving me this chance. thank you for having jerry here to save me. i promise i will never cheat on my wife again. i will never take drugs again, and i will be a great fucking husband and a loving father. i am a great father! i have terrific friends. i am a brilliant director. well-respected. i won a golden globe, how 'bout that? yeah, man, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright. and god, i will be humble. how's he doing? so much for ecstacy, right?