hello, hi, hi. and? thank god. no luck. happy anniversary, baby. hardly. i think you're the most beautiful woman in the world. in the morning, after everyone's gone and there's just us. my wrists. through the sweats or not? what? no. did you? i missed all of you. we're okay, aren't we? i mean, you're really back. well, it might be clair. they're threatening not to come. they can't find a sitter. hello? excuse me? yes, uh, hold on. just a moment. it's skye davidson. she needs directions to the house. you invited skye fucking davidson to our anniversary party? you invited her to our anniversary party? i didn't even invite my mother. no, no of course not. it's skye fucking davidson, for fuck's sake. no, no of course not. how old is she? twenty-fucking-two? and she's a stinking fucking actress, for fuck's sake. i'm going to throw up. really? oh jesus, who else is always early for christ's sake? promise you'll be nice to the neighbors. i love you. of course we do. we have to sign our taxes. fantastic. out here. i love you, you're a genius. i adore him. i know. i know that. don't spoil it. we've only been over this how many times? well, you're a tower of support. we couldn't be on more solid ground. and joe's huge in europe. he's like a rock star in london. his novels sell millions. he's directing now. he gets huge advances on his novels. he's going back to that. you know how he hates it here. we'll be fine. the roses? and of course they said yes. whatever you say. yes. scout's honor. you're out of your mind. how much bowing and scraping do you want us to do? you know jerry. hey, beautiful girl. enough about me. since when are you so shy? in the kitchen. yes. hi. monica and ryan? yes. and you've met joe. well, so glad you decided to come. oh? thank you. this was so unnecessary. i hope you've noticed that otis isn't barking as much. we keep him in at night. you're keeping a record, are you? well the neighborhood is full of dogs, and it's not always otis. are you working on a new book? really? joe can't manage more than one at a time. with huge gaps in between. well, not yet. the gate was open? hors d'oeuvres or something? thank you. i understand you're an interior decorator. i so wish i'd known. i did it. of course. of course it's alright. this is monica and ryan. mac and clair. why didn't you bring him? why didn't you bring him? oh. oh. well, probably. oh. and here they are! monica and ryan. he's a novelist. like joe. in the guest room. i've laid out a paint table for them. nevermind. thanks for coming. he's impossible. go on then. it's beautiful, thank you so much. borrow whatever you like. whatever you like. i'm afraid it'll all be too big for you. are you alright, clair? i'd say it was down. you want a tylenol, or something? why would she care? you need to knock off the pills, clair. it's not going to come up. here i am. panes, my love! good, you brought your violin. i want you to play. are you lovesick? will champagne help? panes is here! really? i need a drink. come hide with me. oh, jesus, panes. i can't, i can't believe that bitch is in my house. she's all over him, are you blind? how? fuck you, panes. i just wanted tonight to be with the people we love. they're not just our business managers, panes. exactly what i mean. it's all ruined. i don't want it to be just one of our parties. like the last time. like the last time. okay. it's our anniversary, panes. we're just feeling our way back. you know it's true. i'll be right out. i don't think i ever spent half a day in the beverly center. everyday. it's nice to meet you. again. thank you, thank you, thank you. shit! shit. it's my galiano. about five thousand dollars. with my discount. so how are you really doing, panes? no. really. for real. really. you're a shit. yes. fine. i don't want to talk about it. i never like to talk about my work. no. not something new. nothing's wrong. it's great, okay? having the time of my life. mac's a fantastic director. and what can anyone say about cal that hasn't been said. and it's great working with friends, blah blah blah. thanks. oh you know. no doubts. no second thoughts. am i a monster? that's not an answer, is it? thank you, panes. we're going to have to go back out there. panes? trust him. sandy. ryan? oh. well, yes. it's extraordinary. you think you could sign it for us? it's alright. be our guests. what is it panes? take your time, jer. i didn't say a word. ryan's novel. still champions. panes is not on my team anymore. i'll have panes if i like. dinner. you've got cal. you've got gina. you've got skye? we're the leftovers. truce? dinner. don't be angry. a triumph. when did you get here? why didn't you come in? not properly watered. me too. would it make a difference? you don't want that. it's married and it's the neighbor. you're fucking desperate. one guess. what are they? it's ecstasy, sal. what a sweetheart you are. i'm worried about my spine. i'm very worried about my brain and my spine. isn't this a fabulous picture? she's such a great photographer. so where should i put it? it's much more personal in here. we're always in here. she really gets him, doesn't she? but she really gets to the heart of joe, doesn't she? she's a genius. big time. she took our wedding photos, for chrissakes. you don't trust anyone. oh soph. and the food sucks, i know. sophia! i'm not even pregnant! let's go in the kitchen and spy on everyone. what do you mean, thank god? no, no, not at all. i mean i've still got plenty of time. don't i? i mean i still have a good six years, whatever. we could have three kids yet, if we wanted. and i know i've always said i never wanted kids, and i didn't. but this year, i really, truly, feel ready. oh soph, joe loves kids. joe wants kids. joe thinks he needs kids. hey, let's sit down. i bet the rug feels really nice against your skin. and cal's this massive adult? you weren't exactly horrified. neither does joe. we're fine. we're great. we're having a baby and we're moving to london. not nice. not kind. why are you doing this? but i am a possessive, fragile neurotic. oh warren, that was awful, i can't sing. i was faking it. i've been feeling caged for sometime. funny, huh? well. wow. otis!! otis, come! oh fuck! someone left the goddamn gate open. otis got out. skye and i, well the. i came out of the house and the fucking gate was wide open. there's a goddamn sign on the gate. you fucking cow, can't you read?! how long ago was it? don't be so sure. she left the fucking gate open. can't have gone far? he's like a greyhound. he could be miles away. there are fucking coyotes out there. fuck you. otis!!!! otis, good boy, come here. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. it was done. when sophia put the kids to bed, america brought otis in the room and closed the door. it was done. oh fuck you, and fuck monica while you're at it. but i guess that's what i interrupted. yeah, let's talk about that. you seem to be rather an expert. i don't remember in the last five months of counselling your ever mentioning ecstacy or going to rage parties. what else don't i know about, joe? let's get really clear here. otis! come! good boy! come! i'm not sure we understand that word in the same way. you walked out on a five year marriage. it's not like this all the time. and how hard it hit? you've been through it. that's how you love people. when it's easy for you, when it's convenient for you. you want to talk about bullshit? lucy called you three times this week. she's a fucking mess, joe. your sister is a fucking mess. she needs you. i talk to her more than you do. it is true. you know how you love, joe? you dedicate a book to someone. right. and when was the last time you spoke to her? and how fucking dare you cast skye davidson in that part? have you any idea how humiliating that is for me? i'm an actress! it's about our marriage for fuck's sake. everybody knows that. about me! what are you saying? i don't look my age, joe. it's a shit novel anyway. not really. i mean your books have always been pop, but this is the shallowest of the bunch. that's what all our friends think, anyway. who? who? who thinks that? mac? mac says it? cal? cal, too? anyone else? don't. i had an abortion two weeks ago. i found out i was pregnant and it scared the shit out of me. i told you when we met i never wanted children. i don't want kids in my life. we talked about it. you weren't listening. i wanted you back. you think this was to hurt you?! my god, joe. it isn't about you. i'm a monster. exactly. don't make allowances. i'll never be ready. some people just shouldn't have children. i'd be a terrible fucking mother, joe. i did want it for us. but i couldn't do it. i don't really think i can do it. yes. i know. is it otis? would you leave us alone right now? everybody hates the messenger. i'm coming with you. i'll be with you. you don't have to. not good. yeah. he's not going tonight. well you could tell him otherwise. it was good of you to be all this help. but he doesn't want to go tonight. and you're not the wife. damn straight. i don't think so. maybe not. oh clair, you're so. you know. you just put things in perspective. oh perfect! count on it. you don't need to do that. relax. you've done enough. sure. okay. do you want me to come with you? okay. i guess. me too. me too. it's a calder. he's my favorite. ah. they're the keys to your grandad's flat. happy anniversary, baby. i know. sure.