can we go? 'starting to get nauseated. they still have to give 'em refreshments laced with mind-altering drugs. 'gonna wait outside. alice? you gotta make him do the start-up with teddy and me. you know what i mean. i'm not exactly worldly, but i'm the secretary of state next to him. and they're all throwing this -- stuff at him. stock options. pay packages. i'm just screwed. you don't wanna move, do you? i can't help it. i feel like they'd do anything to keep their -- in exchange for endowments. they should just drop the pretense and name the schools after 'em. i think you should go. i mean, it's your life. you are naive. look at your employment contract: you can't work anywhere else in this field for at least few years. not that i don't miss you. he was on the verge of something, too. he was gonna show us the next day. he said "the answer's not in the box, it's in the band." know what it means? man, could he write code. totally elegant. he had his own style. take good care of this guy. your app kind of blew mine out of the water. you wanna work -- here? may i? c'mon. bring your stuff. you guys'll be using teddy's old space, is that okay?