general formica! well -- i thought -- since we're getting married. it might be nice if we. got to know one another. it's just that -- well, i'm honored that you selected me, and everything, i just thought the marriage might go a little more smoothly if -- we had a conversation? general -- we have to talk sometime! so, um. how was your day? what did you do? oh. and i was afraid we had nothing in common. you did? yes. he's wonderful. wrong? how could anything be wrong? i'm going to marry general formica and be a queen and have millions of babies, just like my mom. do i look fat to you? the club's so stuffy. i want to try someplace different. the worker bar! yes! that's where i want to go! i'm the princess, aren't i? and do princesses do improper things? then if i go to the worker bar, it isn't improper. anyway, don't worry. no one will recognize us in our disguises. i'm just a common worker, cooling off after a rough day! i'm going to ask one of these mindless, primitive worker-types to dance with me! i know. wanna dance? i work in the palace, i don't get out much. what? are you sure this is a real dance? really? you're right! why can't i just do whatever i want to do? why can't i just go wild?! yahoo! you watch yours, soldier, or my worker friend will beat you up! aren't you gonna stand up for yourself? uh oh. goodbye! gotta run! let me think. hmmnn. never. bye! who is that idiot? you're the hero of the recent termite campaign, aren't you? i'm princess bala. yes. no, general. i'm dancing with the war hero. you dance. no weirdly. you remind me of someone. he was swarthy. primitive. earthy. sensual. he was a worker. i danced with him at a worker's bar just the other day. i'm not shocking you, am i? oh my god, it's you! you're a worker!!! a filthy, stupid, disgusting worker! i can't dance with a worker! quiet -- sshhh!! sshh!!! sshh!!! i'm coming! i'm coming! i'm going! i'm going' what was that thing? i order you to find out where we are! climb up that tree and get a better view! i've been kidnapped by the village idiot. how dare you speak to me like that? i'm the princess! of course! it defines society! to deny the precept is to say that order is an arbitrary distinction applied by the society itself! no! there's no such thing as "just two ants." you never see just two ants -- you see a million ants! i -- hate -- you. ha! don't make me laugh. you're crazy about me! that's why you lied and cheated to get near me! i was slumming it! i danced with you because you were the most pathetic specimen in the place! i didn't choose him. what kind of idiot would. . choose who she wanted to marry? now, worker, you shall take me back to the colony, and have your head cut off and stuck on a sharp pole! insectopia? you stupid worker, that's just a fairy tale! worker! come back here now! that's not a name! that's just a letter! worker? oh worker? where are you? z? z? wait for me!!! water. water. my skin's dry, my exoskeleton is cracking. i wish i'd never met you, you ruined my life. look out! we're going to die! why didn't i listen to my mother . why'd i have to go looking for trouble? any ant would have given their left legs to be in my position. what's wrong with me? wait, i hear something! water!!! cut me down a soft leaf so i can take a nap. out here i'm just what? stop fooling around in there. let me go!!! i'm going to be rescued soon. i'm going to be rescued soon. i'm going to be rescued soon. general formica won't let me die out here. i'm his fiancee. five thousand three hundred and ninety -- no. about five thousand four hundred by now. well. no, but -- well. i am the oldest. by three seconds. you're right. there are as many princesses. as there are blades of grass. i swear, we've passed this blade of grass three times. face it, z, we're lost! we must have walked halfway across the world by now! how did i get into this mess. what difference does it make. we're both going to starve to death, or get squished, or set on fire. you were right. you were right! z, it's beautiful! hello? i'm not just "any insect". my mother is the queen. i'm princess bala! what do you mean? oh. my. god. mmmffllmmm. z! help me!!! z!!! get me out of heeeeere! z!!!!!!! i'm stuck! z! you're here! z. if we don't make it. i just want you to know. this is all your fault!!! come on, z. did you say. z, we made it! just looking for fun, adventure, trouble, i guess. you held onto this all that time? stop! you don't understand! he's. he's dead. you don't have to look for him anymore. he was eaten by a praying mantis. well you'll never be able to hurt him where he is now. i miss him already. because. because he's twice the ant that you are. i could never go through with marrying you. i'm -- i'm an individual, and when i get married, it'll be to someone i choose. z! you came back! there's something going on, z -- they're having a ceremony to open the megatunnel. oh no. z! what are you doing? z!!! wait for me! mom! z. what can we do? no, i'm z. a few?