you new, kid? trial membership? kid, when you join this ant's army, you're in for the full hitch. are you crazy, kid? they shoot deserters! you just stick by old barbatus. he'll watch out for you. whatsamatter, kid? leave a girl behind? no -- we're going to attack the termites! no such luck. those dirty terms are five times bigger than us, and they shoot acid from their foreheads! our platoon has the best assignment of all. we're the first into battle! superior numbers, kid! over the tooooooooooooo-op!!! it's too damn quiet. don't be scared, kid. barbatus's got yer back. keep your head down! don't get all sappy about it! z! over here! be honest, kid -- am i hurt bad? no -- i can see it in your eyes. i'm a goner. it's alright, z. in this ant's army, a soldier's life ain't worth a sack of fungus. i can't feel my legs. i wonder. what. was it all. for. don't make my mistake, kid. don't. be a grunt. your whole life.