don't give me statistics, carpenter. i know what i'm talking about. doors! oil that, soldier. we are launching a major offensive to expand our foraging territory. please don't worry, your majesty. leave the worrying to me. as you know, i'm not an ant of half- measures. i don't pussyfoot around. this crisis is my number one priority, and i promise you it's being dealt with swiftly, and decisively. i do not recollect, your majesty. will that be all? princess! you look -- outstanding. is there anything i can do for you? conversation. yes. well. wasn't she briefed? i'll take your suggestion under advisement, princess. in the meanwhile -- very well. carpenter, is there a convenient time to talk vis-a-vis: relationship? outstanding. princess? well. i declared war! duty calls! no squeak. outstanding! first of all, let me make one thing clear. nobody ever won a battle by thinking for himself. all this "thinking" stuff is a load of crap. if the almighty had wanted you boys to think, he wouldn't have given you huge mandibles and a brain so small you'd misplace it if it wasn't trapped inside your head. we ants survive as a species because we do what we're told. we survive because we work together, as one, we get the job done, we do whatever it takes to persevere! hell, we're not an army of ants. we're one giant ant, with giant fists, and giant jaws! now i've heard a lot of scuttlebutt about a food shortage. well you boys are gonna be taken care of. but in the meantime we're gonna eat the enemy for breakfast, we are gonna eat the enemy for lunch, and we are gonna eat the enemy for dinner! dammit, i'm proud to be an ant. and i know each and every one of you boys will do your duty. dismissed. one to nothing! we win! damn, i'm proud of you, boy. i wish i had a hundred ants of your caliber. the world would tremble. now, time for some r and r. you're invited to the royal victory party! of course. the entire royal family will be there to honor you. son, you're an ant after my own heart. a warrior. an ant that looks death right in the face and laughs. well she better -- she's engaged to one. me! affirmative. in love? i'm just a plain old soldier at heart. i'll tell you what i love -- the field -- blood -- death -- orders. and the company of other warriors. yes, and do you know why there's a food shortage? negatory. too many ants. and while we soldiers go out there, and fight, and bleed, and die for the colony, the namby-pamby workers live it up back home. i tell you son, sometimes, at night, i see myself in battle, fighting a horrible, faceless enemy, with the future of our whole species at stake. and always, the dream ends with each of us plunging his sword into the other's heart. they should be. but there's something funny about that soldier. may i cut in? what's this? a worker has been masquerading as a war hero?! arrest him! dammit, this tunnel is priority a-1! we can't afford any delays on this project! notice the big one, holding hands with the female? no one should have to. have him brought to me. so this z. he fancies himself an individual? well now you haven't fallen for this silly idea of individuality, have you? good. you're a good soldier. so tell me. where's z? okay, son. we know what makes an ant colony strong, don't we? we know that no ant can be an individual. no single ant matters, right? not that one. or that one. or that one? her life doesn't matter, does it? insectopia, hunh?. see why individuality is so dangerous? it can always be used against you. if this sissy here wants to dig, he'll dig. send them both back to the tunnel project. double their workload. what do we have on this "insectopia"? desperate times call for desperate measures. get me ant team six. princess bala. good. where's z? it's a shame he died prematurely. i was hoping to kill him myself. you miss him? why? princess bala, i'm just a simple old soldier, and the ways of the feminine mind are a little too complex for me. but one thing i do know is, there are more princesses where you came from. i just hope they're not all like you. in the meantime, maybe we can arrange for you to see z again after all. is there anything wrong, your majesty? she is, your majesty. she is. your majesty, i'm afraid matters of state keep me from attending the ceremony. 'fraid not, your majesty. goodbye, your majesty. alright, let's move out! z. i should have known. all that work, all that preparation, come to nothing. all because of one stinking ant. alright. which one of you is z? what are you, deaf? i asked you, where's z? folks, you may have survived that flood, but there's no way you're gonna escape from me. i'll make you a deal. hand over the rebel leader z, and you survive. but if you don't hand him over, you're all going to die, each and every single"individual" one of you. what shall it be, workers? have it your way. attack! what are you doing?! attack!! come on, you yellow-bellies! don't just stand there, carpenter! make an example of yourself! ahhhhhhh!! help. help me. please. i. i can't swim. help me. i guess it does. to the ant.