ah! general formica. general, the severe food shortage that faces the colony. pains me. the thought of any of my children going hungry. who's the cutest widdle worker? you are! yes, you! don't forget to brush your teeth! ship 'er out. what steps are you taking to remedy the situation? yes, what else? no snacking between meals! off you go! now -- what were we saying? yes, general formica. carry on, my good man! i don't know what we would do without you. bala has always been a hopeless romantic, general. look, general! a darling baby soldier! don't try to be a hero! just make sure you come back in one piece! next! i felt the same way before i got married. confused. scared. yes -- but i did my duty and sorted out all those messy feelings. the wonderful thing about ant life is that everything is arranged. even marriage. you're lucky -- general formica is a paragon of anthood. darling, you must encourage the troops -- wave! all these parties are so marvellously alike. oh my god! he's taking her hostage! very impressive, general. it's just. how i miss bala. i wish she were here for this special moment. but general -- this tunnel is your baby! you're sure you can't stay ? very well, general -- i know you -- all work and no play! in the name of the colony, i declare this tunnel open! bala! oh. it's that social-climbing worker again -- what does he want? you there! stop! i say! we're all going to drown!!! we are z.