i'll be back. i don't know what you're talking about, z. yeah, but you get to spend all day with those fabulous worker babes. who said there was a girl for you? i was talking about a girl for me. don't you want your aphid beer? z, we've known each other a long time, right? and all the time i've known you, you've been grumping and groaning. you should quit making waves. go with the flow. poor guy's had one too many scouting missions. time to cut a rug, z! well, you just sit here and be a party-pooper. hey, lay off my little buddy! get real, z! she just dropped the scarf by accident! it's a sign that you're crazy! do you know what the penalty for impersonating a soldier is? i can't think of any. will you introduce me to some worker girls? maybe i'll get lucky. you know, z, i wouldn't do this for anyone but you. wear this. yeah, i know. don't tell anyone you're a worker. follow that column over there. and come right back after the inspection! i'm new. i was born yesterday. nobody told me digging was so much fun! you pick up the dirt, you move it, you pick it up again, you move it again -- lots of repetitions, you exercise the forceps, and the pincers -- sorry, sir -- i was just having a little chat with my friend -- sorry i got you in trouble. but listen, you can share my rations. no -- i mean yes -- i mean -- if you don't have other plans. poor z -- i should never have let you go! z? our z? the little guy made it! you know, you're not just workers -- you can be whatever you want to be! look at z! he started as a worker -- then he became a soldier! well, because he's more than a worker. he's a. what did he call it, azteca. no -- an individual! well, it's. someone with his own point of view. someone who does what he wants, not whatever he's told to do! right. because every ant's important! we can all be individuals! just like z! yeah. i mean. well. i don't know, really, sir. oh, no, sir! thank you, sir. i. i have no idea, sir. that's correct, sir! no, sir! wait! just let her go! z's long gone anyway, following some golden egg to insectopia! you'll never catch him! yes he is. z. i'm so sorry! i -- you heard the ant -- dig!!! no, i'm z.