good evening, baxter. yeah. some clown at schrafft's 57th street ate a club sandwich, and forgot to take out the toothpick. say, baxter -- the way you're belting that stuff, you must have a pair of cast-iron kidneys. as a matter of fact, you must be an iron man all around. from what i hear through the walls, you got something going for you every night. sometimes, there's a twi-night double-header. a nebbish like you! you know, baxter -- i'm doing some research at the columbia medical center -- and i wonder if you could do us a favor? when you make out your will -- and the way you're going, you should -- would you mind leaving your body to the university? slow down, kid. mildred -- he's at it again. let me get my bag. how many pills were in that bottle? help me, will you? into the bathroom. get that stuff out of her stomach -- if it isn't too late. you better put some coffee on -- and pray. bring my bag. roll up her right sleeve. nice veins. want to tell me what happened? so you went right out and picked yourself up another dame. you know, baxter, you're a real cutie-pie -- yes, you are. if you'd come home half an hour later, you would have had quite a christmas present. get the coffee. let's get some air in here. open the windows. what's her name? fran, i'm a doctor. i'm here because you took too many sleeping pills. do you understand what i'm saying? fran, i'm dr. dreyfuss -- i'm here to help you. you took all those sleeping pills -- remember? that's right, fran. and i'm a doctor. dr. dreyfuss. get more coffee. tell me again -- what's my name? and what happened to you? do you know where you are, fran? yes, you do. now concentrate. do you know who this is? look at him. mister -- miss -- such politeness! here -- drink this. you can't sleep. come on, fran -- open your eyes. let's get her walking. we've got to keep her awake for the next couple of hours. now walk, fran. one, two, three, four -- one, two, three, four -- that's the idea -- left, right, left, right -- now we turn -- one, two, three, four -- left, right, left, right -- walk, walk, walk -- one, two, three, four -- turn -- left, right, left, right -- now you got it -- she'll sleep on and off for the next twenty-four hours. of course, she'll have a dandy hangover when she wakes up -- these cases are harder on the doctor than on the patient. i ought to charge you by the mile. any of that coffee left? how do you spell her last name? what's her address? where does she live? it's regulations. aren't you? well, as a doctor, i guess i can't prove it wasn't an accident. but as your neighbor, i'd like to kick your keester clear around the block. mind if i cool this off? i don't know what you did to that girl in there -- and don't tell me -- but it was bound to happen, the way you carry on. live now, pay later. diner's club! why don't you grow up, baxter? be a mensch! you know what that means? a mansch -- a human being! so you got off easy this time -- so you were lucky -- but you're not out of the woods yet, baxter -- because most of them try it again! you know where i am if you need me. mildred -- ! hi, baxter. how's the patient? not you -- miss kubelik. well, these things happen all the time -- i don't want to gloat, but just between us, you had that coming to you. tch, tch, tch. are you going to have a shiner tomorrow. let me get my bag. say, baxter -- we're having a little party and we ran out of ice -- so i was wondering -- how come you're alone on new year's eve? what's this -- you packing? where are you moving to? sorry to lose you, baxter. booze we don't need. why don't you join us, baxter? we got two brain surgeons, an ear, nose and throat specialist, a proctologist, and three nurses from bellevue. forget it -- i didn't do it as a doctor -- i did it as a neighbor. by the way, whatever happened to her? happy new year.