come on, sylvia. it's getting late. cut it out, sylvia. we got to get out of here. please, sylvia! it's a quarter to nine! sylvia -- sweetie -- it's not that -- but i promised the guy i'd be out of here by eight o'clock, positively. what's the difference? some schnook that works in the office. come on -- come on, sylvia! sssssh. don't you ever stop talking? where do you live? where does she live? all right -- i'll take you to the subway. why do all you dames have to live in the bronx? certainly not. i'm a happily married man. the little lady forgot her galoshes. i know, buddy-boy, i know. but those things don't always run on schedule -- like a greyhound bus. sure, sure. look, kid -- i put in a good word for you with sheldrake, in personnel. that's right. we were discussing our department -- manpower-wise -- and promotion-wise -- -- and i told him what a bright boy you were. they're always on the lookout for young executives. you're on your way up, buddy-boy. and you're practically out of liquor. well, lay in some vodka and some vermouth -- and put my name on it. i'll pay you on friday. and whatever happened to those little cheese crackers you used to have around? oh, how are you, baxter. they keeping you busy these days? i beg your pardon? that kubelik -- boy! would i like to get her on a slow elevator to china. i'm a pretty good operator myself -- but she just won't give me a tumble -- date-wise. a lot of guys around here have tried it -- all kinds of approaches -- no dice. what is she trying to prove? listen to him. little lord fauntleroy! premium-wise and billing-wise, we are eighteen percent ahead of last year, october-wise. hello? yeah, baxter. what's up? well -- it's all right with me, bud. let me check. i'll get back to you. okay, okay. look, sylvia -- instead of friday - could we make it thursday night? bob who? -- all right, so we'll watch it at the apartment. big deal. baxter? it's okay for thursday. baxter, we're a little disappointed in you -- gratitude-wise. how selfish can you get? last week i had to borrow my nephew's car and take sylvia to a drive-in in jersey. i'm too old for that sort of thing -- i mean, in a volkswagen. so long, baxter. we know you won't let us down. where you going, buddy-boy? the party's just starting. listen, kid -- give me a break, will you -- how about tomorrow afternoon? i can't take her to that drive-in again -- the car doesn't even have a heater four o'clock -- okay? hi, baxter. what do i -- ? just a minute. what's the matter with you, buddy- boy? i made a reservation for four o'clock, remember? baxter, i don't want to pull rank on you -- but i told the lady it was all set -- you want to make a liar out of me? buddy-boy, why didn't you say so? you got yourself a little playmate, huh? say, why don't we have ourselves a party -- the four of us? well, i don't blame you. so you hit the jackpot, eh kid -- i mean, kubelik-wise? don't worry. i won't say a word to anybody. stay with it, buddy-boy! come on, sylvia. a little mixup in signals. let's go. what's your mother doing this afternoon? why don't we send her to a movie -- like ben-hur? -- so yesterday afternoon i take sylvia up to the apartment, and guess who he's got stashed away in the bedroom? kubelik. toot? it's more like a lost weekend. neither of them showed up for work today. what gripes me is the two of them were guzzling my champagne while sylvia and i wound up at the guggenheim museum. miss kubelik? that so. why not? we don't owe buddy-boy anything. hi, buddy-boy. what happened to you? that guy really must've belted him.