i called you -- that is, i tried to call you -- for twenty minutes. go on in. mrs. sheldrake returning your call -- on two -- hi. how's the branch manager from kansas city? i'm miss olsen -- mr. sheldrake's secretary. so you don't have to play innocent with me. he used to tell his wife that i was the branch manager from seattle -- four years ago when we were having a little ring-a-ding- ding. and before me there was miss rossi in auditing -- and after me there was miss koch in disability -- and just before you there was miss what's-her-name, on the twenty- fifth floor -- what for? you haven't done anything -- it's him -- what a salesman -- always the last booth in the chinese restaurant -- and the same pitch about divorcing his wife -- and in the end you wind up with egg foo yong on your face. always happy to do something for our girls in uniform. did you have a nice christmas? me? i'm sorry, jeff. you know i could never hold my liquor -- it won't happen again. you let me go four years ago, jeff. only you were cruel enough to make me sit out there and watch the new models pass by. yes, mr. sheldrake. hello, mrs. sheldrake? this is miss olsen -- fine, thank you -- mrs. sheldrake, i was wondering if we could have lunch together? -- well, i don't know how important it is, but i think you might find it educational -- it concerns your husband -- all right, one o'clock, at longchamp's, madison and 59th. don't worry, i'm on my way. i was just making a personal call. here's a dime.