something the matter? such a racket i heard in your place -- maybe you had burglars. eggs he asks me for. oranges. what you need is a good horse-whipping. from me the doctor has no secrets. poor girl -- how could you do a thing like that? big shot! for you, i wouldn't lift a finger -- but for her, i'll fix a little something to eat. so where is the victim? max the knife! nu, little lady, how are we feeling today? here. the best thing for dizzy is a little noodle soup with chicken -- white meat -- and a glass tea. go ahead! eat! enjoy! you wouldn't have such a thing as a napkin, would you? beatnik! go to my kitchen -- third drawer, under the good silver, there is napkins. so what are you waiting for -- a singing commercial? you must eat -- and you must get healthy -- and you must forget him. such a fine boy he seemed when he first moved in here -- clean and cut -- a regular ivy leaguer. turns out he is king farouk. mit the drinking -- mit the cha cha -- mit the no napkins. a girl like you, for the rest of your life you want to cry in your noodle soup? who needs it! you listen to me, you find yourself a nice, substantial man -- a widower maybe -- and settle down -- instead of nashing all those sleeping pills -- for what, for whom? -- for some good time charlie? sssh! what did i tell you? you wash 'em, you break 'em. i'll come back for them later. if he makes trouble, give me a yell.