i'd like to say hello from all of us up here, to all of you out there. all of you who've worked so hard during operation brute force -- paratroopers -- infantry -- airmen -- medics -- marines -- and sailors. and i want you to know that we feel proud of you and know how hard your job is. to prove it -- we've brought some entertainment we think you're gonna like: the playmate of the year and her two runners up ! you came in on that boat, didn't you? where are you headed? look -- you know the girls -- thta's terri -- she was playmate of -- oh -- i see -- well, girls, this is captain -- eh -- look -- we got in a little trouble -- they rudely took our helicopter for medevac work on this -- uh operation brute force -- they just brought it back this morning. well i mean like they also took our fuel -- we've been here two days. look -- the girls could get killed -- we're not supposed to be this close combat, i mean real combat. we could use some fuel -- just a half drum -- just enough to get us out a here. but, captain, think what these girls have done for the boys -- think of how they've risked -- look -- you know who that is, captain -- you know what she's saying -- you'll never see stuff that good outside of a magazine for the rest of your life. take your pick -- they all like you -- i can tell -- good -- like i said, take your pick. now just a second -- i'm doing you a favor, buddy -- what're you trying to pull? wait -- wait -- don't get up tight -- what i meant was we'd need a whole drum for that -- what's there to talk about -- this whole thing disgusts me. what ! you're out of your skull -- how far do you think you can push -- what kind of people do you think -- no -- absolutely not -- you can keep your fucking fuel -- get out -- two drums -- two whole drums -- i don't know what you're talking about -- get fucked --