i hate that -- every time i hear that noise something terrible happens. it's really too much -- i mean i've collected every picture of her since she was miss december. so what happened ? yeah -- typical a.r.v.n. can i go get those mangos now? yes, sir -- call me what, sir? no, sir -- i'm a real chef, sir -- i'm a sauciere -- that's right, sir -- i come from new orleans -- i was raised to be a sauciere. a great sauciere. we specialize in sauces; my whole family. it's what we do. i was supposed to go to paris and study at the escoffier school; i was saving the money. they called me for my physical so i figured the navy had better food. cook school -- that did it. they lined us all up in front of a hundred yards of prime rib -- magnificent meat, beautifully marbled. then they started throwing it in these big cauldrons, all of it -- boiling. i looked in, an' it was turning gray. i couldn't stand it. i went into radio school. it's a motherfucking tiger -- goddamn. goddamn -- jesus christ tiger -- motherfucking tiger -- ohhhhhhhhh -- ohhhh -- tiger ! oh goddamn ! it's a tiger ! jesus christ ! goddamn, a tiger ! ohhhhhhhh. a motherfucking tiger -- i could've been killed. mangoes? there as a fucking tiger in the woods -- i could've been eaten alive. i'm never going into that jungle again. i gotta remember never get out of the boat; never get outta the boat. outa sight. no shit. i don't believe you -- i've got every one of your pictures -- i've got the centerfold -- the playmate's review -- the playmate of the year run-off -- everything, even the calender -- i can't believe it -- i'd a never even got to see you if it wasn't for this war -- you wouldn't mind -- uh kinda draping that jacket over you sort of the way you were in the calender, would you? just let me look awhile -- i just don't believe -- geez, i wish they'd hurry. i don't know. i know it sounds stupid, but i feel like the goddamn jungle's watching us. whatdoya think it thinks. there in the trees ! thirty meters up, lance; i saw the fucking flash. we're through. oh, god -- there's some bad holes, man, and the cracks -- water's coming through the cracks. food's shot to hell. less than half -- sure is a mess down there. still got a lot of that stuff from nha trang. but we're running low on the other. yeah, it is. maybe you shouldn't say we're americans? nous sommes americains -- nous ne voulon pas vous agresser. nous sommes americains -- nous sommes des amis -- i thought it was pretty good, myself. said i speak french like a spanish cow. put the guns straight up -- stand away from the mounts. take her in slow. hey, they speak american. shower. a hot shower, hot damn. this food is wonderful ! i can't believe the chef is a slope. some more? hey -- lance. holy shit. flood. god. charlie? who's he? love? holy shit. captain -- they've been probed all this week -- cong and nva regulars. there's gonna be a big offense any time. what are we doing here? he killed that guy without feeling anything. when you kill cong, don't you feel something. this is evil -- evil, captain. we're all gonna die here. i don't get it -- you said your mission was to kill him. let's do it, an' get our asses outta here. this kurtz is ruining the war; i mean, this don't look good for america ! you got to kill this sonuvabitch -- lance and me, we don't understand none of this -- jesus, captain -- i don't wanna die here -- do it quick. kill him -- come on, why don't you kill him lance -- the fucker's not gonna do it. captain -- kill him. kill him !