all right with me, i used to drive a taxi. the delta closes off to us about ten miles out of hau fat. we'll be able to pick up some supplies -- bit i think there are only two points we can draw enough water to get into the nung river. it's all charlie's turf from there on out. 'bout six months ago i took a man up to lo mung bridge. he was regular army too. shot himself in the head. i brought his body back down. beats me -- the sun was too much for him, or the mud. who knows ? anybody see some smoke ? lance -- i want you to go with the captain an' get three extra drums of fuel and maybe scrounge some more 50 caliber. poor bastards, have a long year to go. no shit -- what's all the activity for around here ? where's it gonna be ? what cat ? i never heard about that. they nail him for it bad ? smoke ! yeah -- fishing village -- helicopters over there. hueys, lots of 'em. the draft of that river might be too shallow on the point. forget that extra drum -- it's too damn hot. i saw that colonel's huey on the point -- let's just get outta here. incoming ! incoming -- son of a bitch. lance --- why don't you roll us a big joint? i think the captain'd like that. i'll go with you in a while -- judt hold tight awhile -- i wonder if that was the same copter. yeah, chef -- go ahead -- take lance with you -- you forgot the mangoes, didn't you? careful, captain, they've been known to charge. what're you trying to say, captain -- no shit -- hot damn -- get away from this boat. all right -- lance, go with the captain an' see what you can scrounge -- better make it fast, sir -- we don't really need much anyway. wow, you must a found the c.o., eh? i can't see a fucking thing. we hit a big enough one this hull will shatter like a corvette. fucking plastic boat. who knows what's up there? i think this river wants to take us home fast. i'm practically goin' in reverse. this whole area is lousy with v.c. -- we don't stand a chance. lemme turn around and we'll be in hau fat in six minutes. this is my crew and my fucking boat, and i'm the responsible party. you're fucking crazy. you're going to get us all killed. lance -- 'bout twenty meters starboard. elevate lance, in the tree. no, i saw another. what the hell is it? we're americans. what'd he say? i can't steer with my goddamn feet. what about the boat? yeah -- well, i'll stay with the boat. they taking half our ammo, captain -- said it was your orders. next time we get in a good fire fight -- i'd like to know how she was, captain. when'd you do it? no -- most of 'em are still standing -- might've been disease. -- all right, lance -- why -- charlie put it there to kill -- signs? what is it? they're on the banks of the river. no, lance. not while you can't see. will they attack? which way? right or left? looks pretty shallow. shit ! fucking arrows ! they're shooting fucking arrows at us. a spear?