too far inland. charlie don't ever hear 'em. not till it's too late -- don't have to hit you neither, concussion'll do it for a quarter mile or better. burst your ears -- suck the air outta your lungs. yeah -- you can really get hung up on them like the cat in the delta. one that went up for murder -- he was an army sergeant. yeah -- he really dug his playboy mag, man -- i mean like he was there when it arrived -- he just knew. he was working a.r.v.n. patrols and had one a them little cocky gook asshole lieutenants -- anyhow, the lieutenant took his new playboy one day, sat on the end of the dock, and wouldn't give it back. then went too far -- he sat there and starts mutilating the centerfold. poking pins in her an' all that. sergeant says, don't do her like that. you leave your shitty little hands off that girl. gook lieutenant says fuck you in vietnamese -- sergeant says, don't do that again. you'll wish you hadn't. then he stood up, flicked his iron to rock and roll and gave the little zero a long burst through the playboy mag. man, it blew him clean off the dock -- hell, just the magazine was floatin' there all full of holes. he's in the l.b.j. -- didn't give him no medals or nothing -- clear on starboard -- where's lance an' the captain? what'd you that for? how can you tell their weapons. an' how far they're going? jesus -- that guy's too damn much. was a big tiger -- no shit? you keep this thing in this condition an' it's gonna jam, lance -- mark my words. i'm next -- yeah, it still runs. what is it? what're you askin' me for -- put 'em in the first helicopter comes in tomorrow. we ain't goin' down the river. what's up river from here anyhow -- charlie? i'm ripping 'em, man, son-of-a- bitch, it's jammed, oh god, it's jammed. what did you put in all those ammo boxes?