okay, willard, sit down. have you ever seen this officer before, captain willard ? this gentleman or myself ? i believe on your last job you executed a tax collector in kontum, is that right ? you know much about about special forces; green berets, captain ? then you can appreciate command's concern over their -- shall we say 'erratic' methods of operation. i have never favored elite units, captain, including your paratroopers or whatever. just because a man jumps out of an airplane or wears a silly hat doesn't give him any priviliges in my book -- not in this man's army. we have special forces a detachments all along the cambodian border. two here and another one here -- twelve or fourteen americans -- pretty much on their own; they train and motivate montagnard natives; pick their own operations. if they need something, they call for it, and get it within reason. what we're concerned with is here. the a detachment at nu mung ba. it was originally a larger base, built up along the river in an old cambodian fortress. captain, we know something's going on up there -- major -- about the same time -- large numbers of montagnards of the m'nong descent began leaving the area -- this in itself is not unusual since these people have fought with the rhade tribe that lived in the area for centuries. but what is unusual is that we began to find rhade refugees too -- in the same sampans as the m'nongs. these people aren't afraid of v.c. they've put up with war for twenty years -- but something is driving them out. he's commanding the detachment at nu mung ba. what was your impression of him ? a lame ? about what ? but why ? well, he's killing now. it's got to be kurtz.