who is the commanding officer? philippe -- fifty calibers, eh, captain -- entirely unnecessary, captain. we share a common enemy -- you are our guests. i am gaston de marais -- this is my family's plantation. it has been such for 121 years. it will be such after i die. this is my son, philippe -- he has fought in algeria and held the rank of captain. and henry lefevre -- a sergeant; he was at dien bien phu. my personal servant, tran van kac --- my youngest son -- christian -- christian's wife -- ann-marie -- and my youngest daughter -- claudine. we took them from the dead. now -- i assume you want to rest, to shower. we'll attend to your repairs after dinner. a man of war is never bothered to aid an ally -- you will follow me, captain. of course, captain -- an unfortunate necessity. a suitable accomodation for your men, captain -- you will, of course, be quartered with us -- captain, this way. magnificent, eh, captain? it is very good -- there is no current -- it is very good. i have never seen one like it in all indochina. i was in paris when it arrived -- do you know what might have caused -- no, i've seen those in normandy. this is much better. my country -- my country could never originate this. magnificent. roxanne, i hope you are feeling better. may i present captain willard? he is of a paratroop regiment. you know the difference between a paratrooper and a regular soldier, don't you , my dear? attacks repulsed, as i was saying. this is only for this war, captain. viet cong -- 54; north vietnamese regular forces -- 15; south vietnamese -- 28 -- regular forces and otherwise. americain -- 6. of course, they were, perhaps, mistakes, captain. captain? we will never 'evacuate', captain -- this is our home. indochina is ours; it has been so for a hundred and twenty-one years, there is something to say for that. but we civilized it. a place belongs to those who bring light to it, don't you agree. upriver? why upriver? there is nothing there, only jungle. when i was a boy, my father would take me there, to hunt. there are a few savages, but no man can live there, no white man. we have never heard of him. bon nuit, roxanne -- bon nuit, captain. two of my men deserted last night. it happens from time to time. i assume my daughter told you of our conditions. we endure, captain -- you can blow up the house and we will live in the cellar -- destroy that and we'll dig a hole in the jungle and sleep on it. burn the forest and we'll hide in the swamp. all the while, we do but one thing -- clean the blood off our bayonets. au revoir, captain.