lieutenant: bomb that tree line back about a hundred yards -- give me some room to breathe. bring me some cards. body cards, you damn fool -- cards ! yeah -- na trang told me to expect you -- we'll see what we can do. just stay out of my way till this is done, captain. six a spades -- eight a hearts -- isn't one worth a jack in this whole place. what ? here. you sure? what's your name, sailor ? lance johnson? the surfer? it's an honor to meet you lance. i've admired your nose-riding for years -- i like your cutback, too. i think you have the best cutback there is. you can cut out the sir, lance -- i'm bill kilgore -- i'm a goofy foot. this is mike from san diego and johnny from malibu -- they're good solid surfers -- none of us are anywhere near your class, though. just hold up a second, captain -- i'll get to you soon enough -- we've got things to do here. we do a lot of surfing around here. like to finish up operations early and fly down to vung tau for the evening glass. have you ever surfed the point at vung tau? i liked the beach breaks around na trang a lot -- good lefts. we keep three boards in my command huey at all times. you never can tell when you're gonna run into something good. i got a guy in cam rau bay that can predict a swell two days in advance. we try to work it in. hell, that's an ace if i ever saw one. where've you been riding, lance? that's terrible -- we'll change that -- i'd like to see you work -- i've always liked your cutback; got a hell of a left turn, too. why the hell you wanna go up to nu mung ba for? what's the furthest you been in? haiphong? shit, you jump in ? what'd you do for supplies? can you trust them? nu mung ba. last i heard, walter kurtz commanded a green beret detachment at nu mung ba. 'bout a year ago? is kurtz still alive? seems to me he got himself fragged. i heard some grunt rolled a grenade in his tent. maybe a rumor. helluva man -- remarkable officer. walter kurtz woulda been a general some day. general of the army. shit, head of the joint chiefs of staff. did you knew kurtz? don't you agree? that village you're pointing at is kinda hairy. i mean it's hairy -- they got some pretty heavy ordnance, boy -- i've lost a few recon ships in there now and again. and i don't intend to get some of them chewed up just to get your tub put in the mouth of the goddman nung river. you say you don't know kurtz? you talk like him. i don't mind taking casualties, captain, but i like to keep my ratio ten to one in this unit -- ten cong to one. what about this point here? what's the name of that goddamn village -- vin drin dop or lop; damn gook names all sound the same. mike, you know anything about the point at vin drip drop? what do you mean? why the hell didn't you tell me about that place -- a good left. there aren't any good left slides in this whole, shitty country. it's all goddamn beach break. how big it is? a six-foot left. hell, we'll pick your boat up and lay it down like a baby, right where you want it. this is the cav boy -- airmobile. i can take that point and hold it as long as i like -- and you can get anywhere you want up that river that suits you, captain. hell, a six foot left. you take a gunship back to division -- mike, take lance with you -- let him pick out a board, and bring me my yater spoon -- the eight six. what is it? how do you feel, boy? let's go. we'll come in low out of the rising sun -- we'll put on the music about a mile out. yeah. classical stuff -- scares the hell out of the slopes -- the boys love it. big duke six to hell's angels four -- bring it in on along tree line and huts. haven't got time, hell's angels -- lay it right up the tree line. fucking savages. the enemy. who else? very good, hell's angels -- suggest you follow with cannon fire. big duke six to baker delta four -- hold -- we're right over you. right along the doors, boy. fine. fine. little higher. through the roof; yeah, that's good. didn't anybody bring me any bombs, grenades, claymores or anything? you shoulda known. sonuvabitch -- anybody hurt? the trees, eh. eagle thrust four -- big duke six. join me in sparaying some trees. take her in low, lieutenant. hold it, boy. take her up to 300 feet, lieutenant. rifle. my rifle, soldier. the l.z.'s cooling off fast -- we'll move in another company an' then we'll own it. charlie's point. good swell. i said it's a good swell -- hell of a good swell 'bout six feet. let's get a look at it. look at that. it'll get here, soldier. change. change -- get out there -- i want'a see if it's ridable -- change. you want'a surf, soldier? that's good, boy, because it's either surf or fight. i'm gonna cover for 'em -- that's all. you think that section on the point is ridable, lance? doesn't happen for six hours. the tide -- doesn't come in for six hours. they far enough? that's far enough -- pick one up and come on in -- son of a bitch. they just missed a good set -- the chicken shits ! try it again, you little bastards. im not afraid to surf this place. i'll surf this place. bring that r.t., soldier. big duke six to hell's angels -- goddamit, i want that treeline bombed -- yeah -- napalm -- gimme some napalm -- son of a bitch -- yeah, i'll take h.z. or c.b.u.'s if you got any of them -- just bomb 'em into the stone age, boy. son of a bitch. we'll have this place cleaned up and ready for us in a jiffy, boy. don't you worry. you smell that. you smell that? napalm, boy -- nothing else in the world smells like that -- i love the smell of napalm in the morning. yes, i know. the wind -- feel it -- it's the wind -- it's blowing on shore -- it's on shore ! it's gonna blow this place out. it's gonna ruin it . yeah -- yeah, i can understand how you feel. it's the napalm -- it's causing the wind -- ruining my perfect left. the napalm -- ruin -- napalm my perfect left -- my perfect left point break -- napalm -- i'm not gonna hurt or harm you, boy -- i just want the board back -- you can understand -- it was one of my best -- you know how hard it is to get a board you like, boy. i'm not gonna hurt or harm you -- just leave it where i can find it --