i want that napalm dropped in the trees -- spread it among the branches. i'm kurtz. at ease. sit down. why did you come to . my province. you were not coming here, to see me? you came up my river -- in that small boat. so simple. i always thought the final justice would come from the sky, like we did. you are the final justice, aren't you? what other reason could you have come? a captain. ranger. paratrooper. graduate of the recondo school. am i right about these things? then the agency approached you. maybe in a bar in quinon or pleiku. simple. a year's pay for one life. perhaps a village elder, or a tax collector. nobody's orders but your own. exciting work. you've spent tome at the royal tracking school of malaysia. i can tell from the way the laces on your boots are tied. i understand you, captain. we understand each other. yes. do you know me ? yeah, i can see that. he's fuckin nuts -- i'm awake. you. get out. i said get the fuck out ! i'm going to kill the little weirdo myself tomorrow. hes only stayed alive this long because he's a good orderly and medic. he knows how to use a hypodermic. that's right, the little gook- pricks. but they are noble little gook-pricks, noble. because they fight with their guts, like animals. and for an idea ! that's rich. we fight with ingenious machines and fire, like gods, and for nothing. but i'll call in a major blotto airstrike tonight. we'll have ourselves a helluva airstrike tonight, a lightshow. how do you like the doors': 'c'mon baby light my fire' do you? i love it. no. my thinking is clear. but my soul has gone mad. my gut -- oh, christ, my gut ! oh shit -- on the table; morphine. you see how stupid it would have been to blow out my brains? i'm dying from the gut anyway. no -- i don't want to sleep. i want to think. water. give me water. still playing by the rules. you're a damn good kiler. how's yours? pain is easy to handle -- but nobility. the nobility of a man is judged by how much truth he can handle. the truth that you were sent here to murder me, ans so far you haven't done it. and do you know why? yes, you know why. your mission makes about as much sense as those idiots who sent you on it. asshole ! schmuck ! how long does it take you to figure out that nobody knows what they're doing here. except me. gimme water. you know what you're doing? you are interfering with my plans ! this water's got moonby's acid in it -- drink it -- drink it for tonight. think of it. a whole regiment of those shitty little cong -- war. total war -- war like you've never known it. it's beautiful -- you'll love it. trust me. goddamn -- you've gotta dig napalm on speed, too. it's spectacular, you'll see. look into the jungle. you can't -- it's too terrible. you have to smear yourself with warpaint to look at it -- you have to be a cannibal. that's why warpaint was invented. then it becomes your jungle. because of all the things we do, the thing we do best -- is lie. oh captain, that is so true. you could never figure it because it doesn't make sense. i'll tell you what makes sense ! air strikes ! white phosphorus ! napalm ! we'll bomb the shit out of them if they don't do what we want. think of it -- for years, millions of years, savages with pathetic painted faces were scared shitless that fire would rain down from the sky. and goddamn, we made it happen. god bless dow ! mini-gun. colby. sergeant. mini-gun. claymores, claymores. charles ! go away -- hide yourself. going back - to the jungle to die. i had immense plans. i was on threshold of great things. don't. don't frighten them away. do i not? my river. my people. my jungle. my ideas. my country. my wife. . my death. yes. the horror, the horror. the horror ! the horror !