oh, they're simple enough people. it's good to see you, baby. nobody has any winstons? this boat's a mess. oh, you don't talk to colonel kurtz. you listen to him. god, these are good. i kept these people off you, you know. it wasn't easy. simple. they don't want him to go. pre-australian, actually. but i'd dig goin' to california. i'm california dreamin'. kurtz. i tell you, that man has enlarged my mind. but lemme tell you, he is the most dangerous thing in every way that i've come on so far. he wanted to shoot me. the first thing he said is, 'i'm going to shoot you because you are a deserter.' i said i didn't desert from your army, i deserted from my army. he said, 'i'm going to shoot you just the same.' i've asked myself that question. i said to myself, why didn't he shoot me? he didn't shoot me, because i had a stash like you wouldn't believe. i hid it in the jungle; the wealth of the orient: marijuana -- hashish -- opium -- cocaine -- uncut heroin; the gold of the golden triangle. and acid -- i make koolaid that makes purple owsley come on like piss. now i'm kurtz' own disciple -- i listen he talks. about everything ! everything. i forgot there's such a thing as sleep. everything. of love, too. oh, no, not what you think. cosmic love. he made me see things -- things, you know. no, colonel kurtz couldn't be crazy -- if you heard him talk, just last week, you'd never think he was crazy. those heads, yes. well, the rebels. right on -- he's been waiting for -- his name is. oh, no, dont say that. he's asleep -- don't bother him.