je vais bien maintenant. yes, they come from the sky. may i ask where the captain is going in his little boat? you must realize, captain -- we have lost much here -- i, my husband. gaston -- his wife and son. cognac? the war will still be here tomorrow. do you miss your home, captain? have you someone there? then you are like us. what will you do after the war? what's a big question? yes. that strange things. terrible things have occured around this american, kurtz. gaston would never tell me. it was asubject not to be spoken of, captain. did you know -- deeper in the jungle, upriver -- there are savages? but captain, i mean -- cannibals. what a pity, you don't drink. since my husband died, there are so many things i must do alone. are you warm, captain? i spend hours watching that river from my bedroom window. it fascinates me. i have been lonely here, captain. i will fix you breakfast. whe you reach the boat you will find that half your fifty calibre stores -- a case of grenades, a mortar and two m-16's and a case of clips are being transfered to us by your order. you may think what you wish, captain, but i like you very much. then philippe will have to kill all of you.