that's 27, sir. incoming ! stepped on a booby trap, sir -- got blown all to hell -- i don't know -- don't have any idea -- i'm just the night man -- i gotta get out a here -- ill pay -- i got money. fuck you, you'll get what's coming to you. incoming. you came right to it, son of a bitch -- beverly hills -- straight up the road -- a concrete bunker -- beverly hills -- where else you think he'd be? get your asses down, buddy. hey, buddy, that boat still runs, eh? do me a favor buddy, please. send these out when you get back to the world. it's to everyone i really knew -- the first girl i screwed -- my brother -- best friend -- i wanted to tell 'em how much i enjoyed knowing 'em -- it's been a great twenty years. i gotta let 'em know. nobody comes in here. the n.v.a. 312th -- over there the 307th -- on that hill we counted fourteen different guns in one minute -- they got rockets mortars, snipers in those trees, there's a million of those shitty little bastards out there -- we're all gonna die. i'm gonna be dead. you got a chance in that boat -- by morning you could be five miles down the river. spooky. no, it'd be spooky without the war -- give 'em back. wow.