hey, kid, you having some trouble? that case maybe you could loan me a dollar. help out a vietnam vet? how 'bout it? c'mon, you got something for me. i know you do. see, i got to get up to l.a. got a job waiting for me up there. you know, for a dollar i'll give you a blow job. take you right up there where it's still dry. you never had so good, kid. you'll come your brains out. i notice the kid don't come around no more. little blond-hair boy. . what's the matter, you ain't his friend no more? damn. cuban high heels. nice ones, too. i ain't seen a pair like that since i was in havana. that's the only place you can get'em. can't get'em exported. government don't let you. i can do that. i can help you carry those. you don't gotta be afraid. i can carry those. hey, i ain't a bad guy. you don't gotta worry. i'm a veteran. i just want-- you got a nice face. look, we're practically neighbors. i stay right over there most nights. i see you walking down the street. i come up to help. it's called being neighborly. ain't no reason to be rude. you see, i know something about you. . i know your a nice guy. i'm nice too, . just like the kid. and i know you got some bourbon in these bags. i ain't ashamed to say i could use a drink about now. but i don't need no charity. if you want to invite me in, like a friend, we could have a nice drink. that's what i'm saying. maybe you let me use your shower. but first a drink. after that i'll do anything you say. yeah, this is nice. real nice. well if you're offering, i'm accepting. no. i don't mind. . maybe in the morning - everything goes okay - you could let me have ten dollars. maybe even twenty. you can relax, you know, i've done this before.