take it easy, jesus. it's just me, flinch- man. i got news for you. you're gonna like it. someone likes you. someone good. well, i heard my sister talking on the phone with lisa herman, and. well -- you didn't hear it from me. becky trask. so ask her out and the weekend after next you can double with me and vanessa. i'm already planning on being grounded. where the hell you been? report cards were sent out today. i know that never affects you. shit. don't forget what i told you. so what are you going to do? you're throwing it flat. let it roll off your fingers more. your dad, man. i don't know. i mean, i'm a fuck up. my dad is used to this crap from me. what? you said something? you're talking to yourself, bowden. it's not the first time i've noticed it. what is going on with you? all right, man. whatever you say. look, i got to get to practice. if you need to talk, you can call me. you know that. i'ii see you around. hey there. i. ah, i heard about stanford. i heard a couple of weeks ago actually. . congrats. i got into school to. long beach. it's no stanford, but. well, . i just wanted to say hi. here let me get that. what do you have in there? uhh. hop on? i have a car now, todd. this is so cool. oh yeah. but i still don't see what you need the rest of it for. doesn't your dad notice? yet?. jesus, todd. here. take it. todd, i'm gonna go. i'm gonna. walk home. todd.