we have all we need here, isaac. my name is richler, fbi. this is detective getty from the orange county sheriff's department. what about this? todd, my name is dan richler. i'm a special agent with the fbi. this is my associate, dr. weiskopf. dr. weiskopf is a professor at the judaic institute in munich. he is assisting the israeli government in certain matters. he is here today, only as an observer. thanks for calling us up, mr. bowden. you saved us the trouble of tracking through the 911 records. todd, if you wouldn't mind, i'd like to hear about your involvement with dussander. but you knew him as arthur denker, right? how did you know him? todd, let me tell you what we're really interested in here. you told the admitting nurse that denker had a heart attack while you were reading him a letter. and that's when you called the ambulance, right? well, this is the part we can't figure out. the letter itself, todd. do you remember what happened to it? then it should still be there. this is our problem. no. why would somebody break into his house simply to steal a letter? . unless. there was someone. someone right here in santo donato who would want to protect him for some reason. maybe a close friend, or even another fugitive. i know it sounds like a bunch of robert ludlum stuff, but when dussander was taken to the hospital, we think our mr. x scooted over to the house and swiped the letter. why not, todd? a good point. except maybe this other fellow is in a wheelchair, or blind. true. did dussander have any friends that you knew of? how about phone calls? did you ever hear him speak german on those occasions? look, i'm sure this whole thing has come as a terrible shock. i think we've done enough for the day. that's right. mr. bowden, you and todd have nothing to worry about. i assure you. your son has been a great service to us. thank you, todd. for now that's all we need. our next step is to turn that house upside down. we're bringing in some special teams to look through everything. we may come up with something. we'll be in touch if we need you. oh, todd, by the way. have you ever seen this man before? okay, thanks.