hi, kids. mr. finster. we're glad you people could make it, and we're anxious to have you try out our new product. we think it's going to be a big seller. but you're the people that make it happen. you're the market share everyone's tearing each other apart to get at. it's your opinion that's going to make or break us. a man after my own heart. straight to the point. what's different about arcade is the way it reacts. it responds like a human does. it learns. it adapts. each time you play, it changes its strategy. is it? why don't you see for your self? the cybergloves are keyed into the game's response mechanism. you'll be able to pick things up inside the world. tools, weapons . it'll feel like they're really in your hands. the goggles heighten the experience. when we said "reality will never be the same", we weren't kidding. in case things get too intense. it automatically freezes the game, gives you a breather. things can get pretty wild. you're good, eh? it changes. there are eleven levels. each one is a different layer of the arcade universe. the concept is, you're entering the video game itself, making your way across the circuit board to the logic core . arcade's brain. the game will guide you. memorizing nick's features. watch. is pleased as punch, watching the kids' reactions more than the game. just hit "escape" again. here's what we're going to do. what i'm holding are the home versions of arcade, the prototypes. in a month or so we're planning on releasing arcade in both versions, but we're still fine tuning, and that's where you guys luck out. so what we'll do is have you register with us, and then we're going to loan these out to you for a week or so. the only thing you have to do in return is answer some marketing questions. sound fair? so what do you think? nick, alex, how are we today? security camera. pulled your files before i came down. be careful what you say, kids . i know where you live. now what seems to be the problem? you don't like it? if this is a joke, i'm not laughing. why don't we take this into my office. talk to me. that's what this is all about? tricks? sure, i'd be happy to introduce you to arcade's programmer. tell you what, i'll take you down to our r&d labs right now. this is one of our newest projects. we're trying to get rid of joy-sticks altogether . albert. this is nick and alex. they'd like to talk to you about arcade. maybe you can give them a few programmer's secrets. then i leave you in capable hands.