so how'd it go? would you guys knock it off? listen to me, alex. these counselor's don't know anything. they're full of shit. if you don't fit the pattern of the perfect kid, they freak. so tell me you're okay, then. good. cause i'd freak if you weren't. hey. watch this. sure. practice. see, when the emulsion's still warm you can move it around. there. safe keeping. i don't know. guys. come on. we'll hit dante's after school, try the game out, maybe get some dinner. sure. never come back. disappear forever. go for it, nick. come on, nick. nick. you okay? hold my keys, then. so how do i get back in? alex. alex. don't leave me here. alex! you did it! you did it. so how did you do it, alex? nah. you won, right? you played by the rules. guys.