a nightmare creation rocketing in from the east. that's it for nick. he dives, terrified. has plunged into the water above, shooting towards nick like a torpedo, a swirling jet-stream of bubbles trailing around it. as if on cue, it enters level two, breaking the sound barrier. streaks across the sky towards them, blowing up a maelstrom of sand as it crosses the dunes. stands where nick used to be . black as night. like living, roiling lava. smoking, charged red eyes. one third demon, one third balrog, and one third rotting corpse. clad in chains and samurai armor, clinking as it moves. it rear back its head, opens a fanged mouth, and lets loose a roar designed to shake the stars from the sky. is a black speck on the horizon, then a bullet, then a nightmarish face bearing down on her. is visible now, arms opening to engulf alex. talk about pressure. has reached the pier now, rocketing over the wooden slats and shaking the entire structure. dissipates just before it reaches alex. it turns into mist and vanishes, the howl lingering as an echo long after the screamer itself has gone. rockets around the corner, twisting down the narrow tunnel. lurches forward onto the motorcycle and opens its jaws wide. black saliva and ooze flow from it's mouth splashing over alex's shoulder's and neck. it's going to bite her head off. it's going to.