twenty-five dollar. how about it is right. back in the primary this town was voted dry. before white men came, my people lived in sod houses underground and laid our dead on the tundra. now we live above ground and bury our dead, and we haven't been warm since. gonna make an offer. man who owns them won't need them where he's going. forget it, sam. i never work for free. i have no argument with you, bob. wilder said i could keep his truck if i drove it ten miles away from town. he didn't say, but i would guess the opposite way from here. i just as soon he stay gone. fool could've got us all killed, arresting ben corbett here in town. bet i could make some money turning ben corbett in. maybe more for lettin' him loose. i was up in my cache. saw the northland man come talk to you. corbett coming here stinks of trouble. we should make the best of it before it turns around and bites us in the ass. dixie's waiting at the infirmary. she'll put a splint on that injured leg. any traps you don't want, i'll pay cash money. what's the problem with sam wilder's place? pretty clever: if the trappers got that signal beacon and get here in time, sam's is the first place they'll look. they may figure you're waiting for an airplane, so you can't stay in the shack by the airstrip. last place they'd expect you is on the far side of town. i can't afford any trouble -- -- forget it. and try not to bleed on my throw rugs. why do this? i hear someone in the spa. lookit this damn mess. where in hell's wilder? aw, jesus. told you this was trouble. what about you, big shot? do something. who's side are you on, anyway? this shoot-'em-up shit is bad for business. i'm sick of it.