where the fuck did you drop corbett off? ben? sure you don't want me to drop the fucker? all this fuckin' land, and we're locked out. makes me puke. three hundred seventy-five million acres in this state. i'm real tired of runnin' into people. no swinging shit. they're over their goddamned limit. want the meat? i say shoot 'em, bury 'em with their shiny new car. i don't believe in leavin' witnesses behind, ben. you think those fucks will tell it that way? isn't yet satisfied. he walks back over to the sportsmen, kneeling beside their fallen friend, and crouches right beside them. intimidated, sportsman #2 looks away, but lemalle grabs his chin and turns his face back toward him. think i'm pretty? you better forget how we look, 'cause next time they won't keep me from killing you. this land ain't quite civilized, you know. how about a quart of jack daniel's? aw, shit. let's go. leave a note for viking bob, tell him to meet us in cache. fuck you, mitchell. woulda been my ass if ben didn't waste that prick. c'mon, girl, talk to me, negotiate with me. goddamn! viking bob! mitchell's inside, boring bastard. there you go. wilder's always chummy with the fuckin' bambi-lovers. he's full of shit. we got run out of there by some fuckhead driving a northland truck. get the fuck out of here. maybe they went back to devil's cauldron. wilder still woulda made fairbanks by now. fuck a duck! ben musta got loose. grizzly sign. looks fresh. who gives a husky fuck? where's ben? i say we eat, torch this fuckin' thing, and move on. cool out. i ain't about to get blasted. big mother musta wanted something real bad in here. i ain't gonna leave a seven- hundred-dollar remington behind. not in the right hands it ain't. thought that door was open last night. i'm standin' guard duty. besides, rather spend the room money on sloppy seconds. northwest. devil's cauldron. i'm right fuckin' here with you. ben! speak out before i torch every dump in town! you hear me? ben? sweet-talk won't get shit. choose it, asswipe -- cut corbett loose, or soon as you come outside, i put a fuckin' bullet through your eye! kenai's pa -- but how the fuck she seein' us? climbs out of the central pool, soaked. he pulls his wet jacket off and furiously throws it down. want to chance it with that hog-leg? you can't even hold it up. better drop me first shot, bitch, or i'll rip your fuckin' lungs out. over there. bullshit. i hit what i'm aiming at.