i hope i can count on you gentlemen to vote for the people's friend this november. have your fun. just remember the people's friend come election day. i've been trying to raise you on the shortwave for two days. i have not, but i very much want to. what do you know about the trouble in devil's cauldron? -- get this straight: i'm the district supervisor. whatever you do reflects on me. it wasn't my idea to bring you people up here, but i'm stuck with you. you are absolutely not to involve yourself in any local disputes. whichever side you take, you alienate the other. mr. corbett is quite well-known in this region. people admire him -- i don't care if ben corbett makes meatloaf out of nuns and babies, he's not your concern. understood? what happened here? where'd you say eric is? what about that hotheaded marshal, sam wilder? i heard he was in the middle of this mess. really. i thought maybe that was his snowmobile outside. by the way -- your truck also 'on the fritz?' it's out by the pumping station, shot full of holes. still nothing to tell me? suit yourself. i hate to interrupt playtime, but why the hell are you caught up in a local matter when i gave you express instructions to the contrary?! alleged killer. you can't see past your lousy little assignment, sniffing around the pipeline. the few voters there are in this district look up to corbett, and i'm not about to alienate them. this miserable wilderness is a state of the union. policy's made here the same way as in the civilized world: at the ballot box. that's the beauty of it -- these icebox cowboys are living a century too late. get them on your side, it's like buying manhattan for beads. with a handful of votes you control the greatest frontier since white men stumbled onto the new world. hey, i thought you people loved corbett and his wild men! what about you, neff? -- one left; three of us. let's finish it. i'll handle him. nobody wants any more killings; we all agree to that, correct? that's good. now, eric, you're gonna hand your prisoner over to us. this isn't your concern. it's over, here and now. not a bad idea. face it, ben. there's no room in alaska for you any more. you're as antiquated as this shit.