fairbanks alascom? patch me through to the state police. mr. desmond! arthur neff. area rep for the federal assistance plan. tell the boys in dc to keep those goodies coming. snowplow, generator, tv dish. hell, we get the goddamn playboy channel! here, this is for you. yesterday. said they were going to cache. they were thirsty, but we were voted dry. wilder's missing church services; you believe it? you don't mind me saying, mr. desmond, you look like hell. not a damn thing. what's going on? mr. meyerling was here, all steamed up, looking for you. -- here?! where's wilder? if corbett's men find out -- jiminy christmas. what do you want from me? i'll go at dawn. why the smirk? you're out of your greedy goddamn mind. stay out of it. he saw you and corbett come in. don't let him fool you. real reason he's here is to buy corbett's traps. look, ben, we don't want any trouble. the kid's got the key, and besides, he looks edgy enough to use that magnum he's carrying. what's wrong? i was just on my way to your ladyfriend's, but i guess she found you. i'm the one should be sorry. goddamn kenai, always out for a score. i never should've let him go over there. look, mr. desmond, i didn't count on it turning this ugly. bastards killed sam, you think they won't kill the rest of us? i'm real sorry. in a while, you're gone from this country. but we live here. no one wants to mix it up with those hombres. -- sam wilder was my cousin. he's why i came to alaska. all his letters, saying what a paradise it is. but me ending up dead won't do sam a lick of good. dead. trappers killed him. well. two of the trappers are down already -- what about eric desmond? you're an outsider, mr. desmond. step aside; stay out of it.