i'm looking for some trappers. ben corbett, mitchell, lemalle. seen 'em? shit. these yours? -- to cache. so i heard. ben never said nothing to me about selling his gear. ben? where's ben corbett? where did they go? lemalle. we got a problem. where's mitchell? musta never got a chance to -more- closest planes for hire are here in cache. it's a long shot. get in. we can jump it. i called the cops in fairbanks, see when ben is standing trial. they don't know shit about ben or wilder! it's a three-hour flight. they shoulda got there yesterday. that plane might've been to throw us off the track. remember the bait-and-switch wilder pulled with the eskimo and his truck? okay, let's backtrack, try to pick up his trail. you know the kid out on the pipeline that wilder's buddies with? hullo? somebody left in a big hurry. check outside. musta wanted to keep him from the bears. if ben killed him, he sure as hell wouldn't hang him up like this. go easy. i know in my gut he was here. first light, we try to get scent of his trail. my guess is he's loose and heading for chukfoktulik. he'll need supplies; that's the closest settlement without a lawman. what you gonna do with it? large bore's for shit on small game. quit fucking around. get in. ben? ben corbett? look, we pull ben's ass out of the fire, i'll get you a whole damn crate of snickers bars. ease off. we do this my way. whoever's holding ben corbett, listen to me: we just want to know he's okay. he is, nobody gets hurt. you in one piece? count on it. ben? just wait, we don't know what this guy's up to. ben'll let us know what to do. there's what they're waiting on! doesn't matter. we know where they're going. c'mon.