ben. boys. yeah, real slow, and i'd like to keep it that way. one flier comes loose and i shoot you for littering. oil company candidate running on that slogan makes about as much sense as a rat fucking a grapefruit. i'm living proof of that sad fact. no, i better stay at my post. i was making my rounds, saw your hangar wide open, plane getting rained on, so i closed it up. bet you're right. but i didn't come by to wangle a meal -- what'd you say they call these spaceships? watch it with meyerling. man's as mean and corrupt as they get. cut his mother's throat if it'd get him a couple votes. damn. likely that's an sos. have to pass on that lunch. stupid goddamn greenhorns! froze to death. they got wet in the rain. core body temperature dropped, got drowsy, probably didn't even know what was happening. question is why they sat here when the storm moved in. check their stuff while i sniff around. i'm too old for this shit. a certain sonofabitch bastard -more- even for ben corbett, this is nasty. man's got balls. he was sitting in devil's cauldron when i left, calm as can be. not necessarily. corbett's awful hardbitten these days. his old roaming area's all private reserve now. normally, long as he stays civil in my jurisdiction, i let him be. won't be able to take him by my lonesome, though. nobody in town'll lift a finger on this. but i would. you left a footprint at the sportsmen's camp. only pretty sight there, ben, 'cause the two men you didn't shoot and mutilate died of exposure. i got it from here. thanks. i need to call fairbanks. neff! dial it up. state police. this is sam wilder, marshal in devil's cauldron. had some killings here. i got a suspect; be real nice if someone came and took him off my hands. next plane's not coming 'til next monday. this man's friends ain't gonna look favorably on his incarceration. if that was all, fine. but carving him up, stranding the others, that's too fucking much. is everything that walks, crawls, flies or swims fair game to you? don't try me. i'll kill you if it comes to it. back against the bars. now. your brother and the boys left me some traps to sell for them. they're gone -- sorry, bob. i'll have to keep you here 'til i ship him south. you stupid, greedy, loudmouth sonofabitch! he'll have the others here in a few hours. you fucked me up, now you're gonna help me move him. i got an emergency on my hands. you give us a ride in the cessna you got hangared at the pumping station, we'll be in fairbanks in a few hours. i could've sat tight for the transport, 'til bob came poking around. you better get some sleep. goddammit, i don't need this aggravation. i'll shoot you, ben. bank on it. i'm not too old to knock the snot out of you! fetch him back? don't let him walk.