the armadillo rumbles out of the cargo bay, carrying bear, max, rockhound and pitts over the wheel wells. chick, bear, and max cautiously approach the drill hole. everything seems okay. chick climbs back up to the drill-drive platform. chick and bear yank the detached good transmission housing from inside armadillo 2 and carry it across to armadillo 1. suddenly the drilling arm jolts upward, lifting the armadillo six feet off the ground. the drilling arm kicks again, six feet this time, tossing the armadillo over on two wheels. a deep rumbling emanates from the drilling hole, coming seemingly from the asteroid's core. harry gets to his feet and slams his fist against the armadillo's side. with an awesome force, the drilling hole blows. the drilling pipe explodes upward, lifting the drilling arm and the entire armadillo vehicle with it. the entire rig blows upward into space. the newly created drill bit lowers into the drilling hole and begins turning. it chews into the shit down below, whirring and ripping and. descends quickly. harry time, a.j. the hole's finished, the drill pipe's been pulled; a.j. drives the armadillo safely away from the site. the drill pipe turns sloely, retracting from the hole. bear, atop the drilling platform, is working on something with a wrench. harry well, dan, you're just going to have to goddamn wait 'cause another temblor hits, the worst yet, 9.7 on earth. watts falls, losing her grip on the gurney; her end collapses. the nuclear device lurches sideways off the gurney and rolls away from the drilling hole. everyone whirls around in the sound's direction as -- pebbles and hot steam blasts from the drilling hole. everyone recoils. harry and a.j. approach the nuclear device. it's half in, half out of the drilling hole, as they left it. harry and a.j. alligator-clamp the end of the wire spool-drum onto the nuke's harry looks at the detonator in hand. harry, all business now, situates himself next to the nuke. the manual detonator in his hand. harry is looking at the shuttle. close-up on finger ready to pull the trigger. harry takes his final breaths. looks around. harry's gloved hands grip the sides of the hole. then his helmet appears. he looks across the asteroid surface to the manual detonator, lying in the dirt. harry crawls out of the hole.