a.j. is pinned against the hole wall by one of the disconnected pipes. harry comes down the hole. he plants his back against the hole wall and kicks the pipe, freeing a.j. a slow, deep, rumble emanates from below. the briny water inside the hole suddenly turns black and viscous. a.j, tied to a safety tether, comes down the hole with a hand- held cutter and a length of rope. he reaches the obstruction. the drill pipe has been mashed, bent, buckled. severed ends stab into the sides of the hole. a.j. starts cutting with the hand- held cutter. the hole shakes. a.j. freezes, sweating. a.j. experiences the deepest, most sinister rumble yet, emanating form the asteroid's core, something from hell. there's a horrendous whooshing sound. harry falls ass-first down the hole, his pro-gravity thrusters pushing him further and further down. harry's fingers gouge into the walls of the hole. he scissors his legs. his boots scrape the sides. he begins climbing up out of the hole. we see that his air has been punctured. he's losing pressure. he starts to choke.