he bleeds. as a man bleeds. the one written of in the book would not bleed. likely, he is one of henry's men. i say to the pit with him! if he is truly the promised one. he will emerge. lieutenants! fetch me the blackard. bring the prisoner! the warriors surge upon ash. his sawed-off shotgun and chainsaw are taken from him. to the castle! eye. and fought valiantly. but last night fell in battle to duke henry's men. there is an evil that has awakened in this land. and whilst my people fight for their very souls against it, you, duke henry the red, wage war on us. your people are no better than the foul corruption that lies in the bowels of that pit! may god have mercy on your souls. nay. henry is my prisoners. he-- for that, i shall see you dead. points to. a moment. the wisemen were fools to believe that you were the promised one. that one such as you could have saved us!. how far from here? then these winged ones are only the first of them. how will we stop an army of the dead at out castle walls? how will you fight that?! with more words? most of out people have already fled. we are but forty men. we shall not stand in battle, alongside the likes of him. our honor will not allow it. load! fire! powder! where is henry?! i think he will not. but know this. no matter how this battle fares, i was wrong to think you a coward. they're coming in. what now?! fall back! man the parapet! protect the book or god save us all!