my lord arthur, i believe he is the promised one, written of in the necronomicon. only the necronomicon has the power. a power which we both require. it contains passages that can dispel the evil from this place and return you to your time. it is in a place far from here. it can only be retrieved by the promised one. other warriors have tried. their widows grieve still. we have waited long years for you. out only hope is the necronomicon. thou must undertake to quest for it. alone must thou travel to a distant cemetery. there thou shalt find it. now. will thou quest for the necronomicon? this is the edge of the land ruled by the dark spirit. this path will lead you to an unholy place. a cemetery. there, the necronomicon awaits. as thou removest the book from it's cradle, you must recite these words. clatoo, verata, nicto. repeat them. something is amiss. the necronomicon. quickly. did you bring the necronomicon! just what?! no. i sensed something had gone awry. the book's power. it's gone. when you removed the necronomicon from it's cradle, did you speak the words? did you speak the exact words?! dung eating fool! thou hast doomed us. when thou misspoke the words the army of the dead was awoke. the passage is useless to us as long as these evil dead walk. they have a terrible desire for this book. and they shall come here to get it. once in their possession, the evil shall rule the earth for one thousand years. because of you. we are doomed. we did strike a bargain. i will return you to your own time as promised. hands the flask of liquid to ash. the book tells us that each drop allows a man to sleep a century. swallow six drops, and thou shalt awaken in thine own time.