simon, you've got to get dressed. definitely a package you don't want to open or touch. won't worry about it. you go ahead. you may think you can intimidate the whole world with your attitude, but i grew up in hell. my grandmother had more attitude. you don't intimidate me. shhhh now. i like simon. i like him enough to batter you unrecognizable if you verbally abuse him or so much as touch his dog again. meanwhile, i'll try and think how you can make this up to him. i hate doing this. i'm an art dealer. have a nice day. party! so i've got to get to the hospital. if you could take the dog just for tonight. maybe if you kept locked in the bathroom. no? okay. thanks. old bitch. damn dog. you're taking him. yes. you're taking him -- this will clear the books. one night. you want to say "no" to me? try. because i've never felt as nuts as i do right this second. i almost want you to try saying "no." thanks for looking after him. you don't want to mess with me today. i'll figure something else out tomorrow. put the solid red dots on three of them and the hold blue dots on two others. well, we're not going to sell anything if they know we're two weeks into a show and have no sales. no, you can't reduce a price at this stage. we're in free fall here. any calls? i'll meet you in there. hey, hey. haaa. bad but temporary. the nurses say it's much better than you looked three weeks ago. the hand will come back. they're sure. your neighbor -- udall -- is taking care of him. no, i promise. not a chance. i own this guy. there was no one else. i'm on the move too much. trust me. yes. your dog is fine, simon. how's verdell doing? simon's home. i was sort of hoping you could keep the dog until he's had a chance to think and adjust. no. he wants him back. he'll be by tomorrow. sure -- take him to the vet. do it. she's nice. it looks like it really went over. you're sure making the rounds. simon says you brought him soup last night. i hope he doesn't write you a note. what? hey -- you called me. i. yeah, but it's all about simon now. you helped with the dog. and now there are other things. i'm just as concerned as you are about simon. it's not only financial assistance. what he's got to do is go to baltimore tomorrow and ask his parents for money. it's not going to happen on the phone. yes. and tomorrow? i have a high maintenance selling painter coming through. so i'm out. can you take him? take my car -- a convertible. do you drive? if there's some mental health foundation that raises money to help people like you be sure to let me know. i'm sorry that i'm not taking you.