melvin enters -- the dog cowers in the shadows. now melvin sees him. verdell cringing as his new master approaches -- music continues ominously. melvin sets the bowl down and exits. verdell breathes excitedly though looking alternately in all directions. his recent past making him suspect this feast is a trick. he sniffs cautiously -- then dives in -- gothic music changing on a dime to score his rapture. from o.s. we hear the sound of running water as steam escapes the bathroom -- then music out -- as melvin returns. ignoring verdell he sits at the piano and his one key repeatedly. it's odd. verdell shifts his body so he is eating from the bowl with his tail to melvin. then melvin begins to play and sing monty python's "always look on the bright side of life," with its cheerful whistle refrain. verdell looks over with surprise and pleasure. but just as mood lifts and warmth threatens, melvin stops abruptly, turns out the lights and exits. melvin whaling away at his computer, reading to himself with great satisfaction as he goes. as melvin picks up the phone. he clears his throat loudly. following is intercut between carol and melvin -- the first such cut showing carol blasted by the throat clearing. melvin walks in anxious circles in the living room. he is impatient.