there is a knock at the door -- simon crosses to answer. he is more relaxed than we've seen him -- a man at peace humming to his favorite music, talking to his dog who scratches at the door. simon opens the door to vincent. simon pats his leg -- trying unsuccessfully to get verdell to approach him. instead the dog goes to the door and scratches at it. jackie starts to pick the dog up. verdell lies just inside the front door whimpering for melvin. jackie sits across from simon's wheel chair. she has some index cards in her laps which she occasionally consults and shuffles. simon practices walking using his cane. a tearstained nora hugs him good-bye. shades drawn. simon is a wheelchair. the phone rings. he goes to answer. the phone across the bed so that reaching for the phone is a brief but difficult struggle. he grunts with pain, hope and anxiety as he answers.