don't anybody move. you move, you're dead. come on, you chicken shit motherfucker. i know you're here. let's go. you! get up! you, too! up! not yet. don't move or you're fucking dead. now run! fuck! don't shoot! don't shoot! i give up! hey, don't touch that! is there a problem? right. oh? working. a little accident. yeah. yeah, i'm a waiter. what? uh, fontella's no. no i'm not. what is this? look, i'm real tired and i'm not interested in fucking chit-chat. why? what happened? no shit. yeah. probably. sizzle lean. what are you doing? that was peterson back there. that goes to the expressway for the airport. yeah well, you just blew your tip, pal. just do your job. what are you doing? you can't -- holy fucking shit! i get out, you got me. now what? no fucking way. jesus -- i'm being driven to the airport by robert rath. i can't believe this. you rolled some cabby for the radio, then waited for an airport fare. boy, that's fucking genius. you're a fucking genius. then you're just sitting there, bullshitting with me. man, no way i coulda done that! holy shit! robert rath wants to know my name. bain. michael bain. two years. two long fucking years. hey. what i don't get was why didn't you take the shot inside the restaurant? i mean you had me, a free shot. that's what i would have done. sounds like chickenshit -- listen to me calling you chickenshit! is that a wig? shit, i hate wigs! wigs are the worst part of this job. i'd rather dye my hair than wear a wig. god damn are you good. everyone says you're so fucking good. i just can't believe i'm still alive. if i believed in god, i'd be down on my knees. right now -- hey, how come you just didn't plug us all when we came through the door? shit if i was you, back there -- game over. do you mind if i ask you a couple of business questions? you know i was wondering how much you bid this job at? you don't have to tell me that. it's just, i know my bid was low, but was it too low? i mean, did i seem like an amateur, like i didn't know what i was doing? smith and wesson .22 with an eight inch silencer. classic. when i first heard you used that, i thought, shit, that's a lady's gun. now, it's all i use. clean, real clean. would you really blow us? oh! i got a question. jesus, this has been driving me crazy for years -- shit, listen to me. i sound like some fucking fanboy. i'm sorry, but i just got to ask you. everybody talks about how you left the agency and got into the business and then how you went after the russian, nicholai talinkov -- yeah, that's it. and he's like a fucking genius. they said he shaded you over and over. and in the end, he aced you again. shaded and faded. they say he's living on some greek island, but i say that's fucking bullshit. i say you're the best and that you planted his ass. am i right? i bet i'm right. robert bain, driving me! jesus fucking christ! who the fuck cares about cleveland. cleveland blows. what kind of marks have they got here? greasy mobster, teamster or some hand job politician. i want the money marks. i want the marks that you get. so what happens now? bullshit. you tell me that we're gonna go around once, then, while i'm checking out the lay of the land, you bail out and send me flying over the bridge. right? am i right? what? what's okay? what are you doing? oh man, that's sweet. that's fucking sweet. you're bluffing. you're fucking with me. you want me to jump. i jump, you hit the brakes and bang -- game over. no, no. wait. you don't want me to jump. you're going to jump. i'm stuck back here until it's too late. wham -- over! yes! surprise! tricky. boy, you just can't trust anyone these days. hi. this is room 1414 -- yes, could you send up a pot of coffee and my friends are going to need some more towels. thanks. indeed i do. oh, you sick little bitch -- fuck me! i'm on the scent. no. no. no. i don't believe it. what? i don't give a fuck what you are. i asked you -- how in the fuck do you know that? you're dead, motherfucker. shit. what in the fuck are you doing in there? that's not him. jesus, bain, baby, chill the fuck out. this is fucking insane. fucking god dammit! how'd you know? just tell me that. how'd you fucking know? what does that fucking mean? i ain't scared of you. if you think you can take me, quit fucking bullshitting and try it. five million dollars? shit. that sure is a lot of money. what? oh, yeah. you think i would be an idiot to pass up five million dollars. you don't know a fucking thing about me. you don't have the slightest fucking clue. i'll tell you this. after cleveland, i thought i was lucky to be alive. but now, here, i just realized that you were the lucky one. yeah, okay! i'm ready! let's fucking go! you're gonna take me? come on! come on, motherfucker! take this! take this, you fuck! motherfucker! comeon-comeon-comeone-it'sover- gameover-comeon. make me shit, you sorry ass piece of mark meat! come on, come on. it's over! i know it! you know it! we know it! lift your head, motherfucker. look up here. look up. look at me. i want to see your face. yes. wha -- die, bitch! fuck! god damn bitch! what are you doing? i don't believe this is happening! you're dead! you're fucking dead! i'm going to kill you a hundred fucking times for this! game over, bitch! fuck no! game -- hey! tell me something, bobby-boy. are you still thinking that you're going to take me? no, i don't think you are. you know what i think? i think you're thinking what i'm thinking. you know what i'm thinking, bobby-boy?! you know what i'm thinking?!